Corsi di cucina

Mangiare secondo la tradizione

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Durata 3h

Max 18 ospiti

Lingue parlate: Italiano e Inglese

Corso di cucina: impara a cucinare le ricette della tradizione e gusta i piatti preparati durante il corso

Esperienza condivisa
La tua esperienza
  • Bruschetta ai sapori sorrentini
  • Scialatielli fatti a mano con condimenti freschi di stagione
  • Tiramisù con caffé e cacao

Sarà un piacere ospitarvi in una piccola casa situata su una collina con vista panoramica, dove potrete gustare piatti tradizionali in completa pace e tranquillità, lontani dal caos della città di Sorrento. Avrete l'opportunità di iniziare con un antipasto composto da saluti tradizionali e formaggi, gustare le verdure a km 0 direttamente dall'orto alla tavola che accompagneranno il primo piatto composto da scialatielli fatti a mano e deliziarvi infine con il tiramisù fatto da mia madre. Saremo felicissimi di darvi il benvenuto.

Vi aspettiamo!

8 recensioni
Had a wonderful time learning how to make pasta and tiramisu! Plus we ate what we made!!! How fun!

Robert  - ottobre 2023

Alessia was an excellent host. She was so welcoming and kind. We loved learning from her cooking skills and enjoyed the yummy food!

Kaeli  - ottobre 2023

An absolute MUST in Sorrento. Alessia was an amazing host, very accomodating and kind. We went with a group of five and we all had the most amazing time. It was definitely a highlight of our trip. Breathtaking views, beautiful scenery and the food we made was DELICIOUS. Alessia was very patient and we all had a great time laughing, cooking and dancing!

Netahnya - agosto 2023

Alessia provided a wonderful experience. The food, atmosphere, and her hospitality exceed everything we’d hoped for. As an added bonus, the home and surrounding land were absolutely beautiful . The gardens were impressive, and we were lucky enough to have the privilege to cook with fresh produce grown on site. Would definitely do again!

Brighton - luglio 2023

Before we even left for our trip to Italy, our hostess was communicating with us to make transport arrangements for us, to her house. Our driver, her mother :) arrived promptly at the designated time. Alessia, our hostess, met us and showed us around their beautiful yard full of lemon trees and olives and cozy home. We got to cooking right away and made two different kinds of pasta with sauce - one for ravioli with tomato sauce and tagliatelle with lemon butter sauce. For dessert we made Tiramisu. They served us wine and limoncello at the dining table. It was all fantastic! Alessia was a knowledgeable and gracious hostess - this was the highlight of our trip. We definitely recommend this cooking experience, and can’t wait to try at home! (We have never had such tender ravioli!!!!) Thanks Alessia

Cindym252 - luglio 2023

179,00 € per ospite

89,50 € per bambino

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Cesarina dal 2018Città: Sorrento    Lingue: Italiano e Inglese
"Ho la passione per la cucina, mi piace accogliere ospiti e conoscere la loro storia, raccontargli quella della mia famiglia e condividere con loro le nostre bellissime tradizioni. Viviamo nella zona collinare di Sorrento, con un panorama mozzafiato sul mare e sull'isola di Ischia."
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