Corsi di cucina

Pronti a mettere le mani in pasta e diventare pizzaioli?

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Laura & Ettore


Durata 3h

Max 4 ospiti

Lingue parlate: Italiano e Inglese

Corso di cucina condiviso sulla pizza e tiramisù seguito da una degustazione delle ricette preparate durante la lezione

Esperienza condivisa
La tua esperienza
  • Pizza margherita
  • Pizza fritta rossa e bianca
  • Tiramisù al caffè

La pizza margherita è una leggenda culinaria riconosciuta in tutto il mondo: il rosso del pomodoro, il bianco della mozzarella e il verde del basilico rendono omaggio al tricolore italiano e alla Regina Margherita di Savoia, per la quale un celebre pizzaiolo napoletano la creò.

Ma la cucina napoletana non si ferma qui. Oltre alla classica pizza cotta al forno, vi guiderò nella scoperta di un'altra specialità irresistibile: la pizza fritta, in particolare la deliziosa variante "Montanara". In questo corso di cucina, vi insegnerò a preparare entrambe queste prelibatezze. Allora, siete pronti a mettere le mani in pasta e a diventare maestri pizzaioli?

19 recensioni
We had such a great experience on our honeymoon making pizza and tiramisu with this incredible family. We had so much fun and cannot wait to come back to make pasta!!

Isabella Dolente - ottobre 2024

This cooking class was honestly so good! Gaia and Laura were so accommodating and it was lovely to do it in their personal kitchen, it felt so much more authentic. The food we made was delicious and I will keep all the tips and tricks from Laura with me forever! Thanks Gaia and Laura!

Zoe B - settembre 2024

We had a wonderful experience cooking with Laura! We had some good laughs and enjoyed the music. They prepared the most lovely aperitif’s before we started cooking. The opportunity to create some home cooked Italian cuisine was special. It was more food than we imagined and incredibly tasty! Thank you for the experience!

Heidi and Art Powell - settembre 2024

Laura and her daughter Francesca were the most inviting & lovely hosts. They prepared appetizers for us to start with before the cooking portion of the night. Including a variety of meats, cheeses and other delicious antipasto. Laura was wonderful at teaching correct techniques in the kitchen. We learned how to layer tiramisu, roll out gnocchi and prepare a special dish local to sorrento. During the interaction, we were offered wine with peaches soaking inside- which was delicious. They prepared their dinner table for us to enjoy the food. It felt as though we were part of their family for a few short hours. Their home was beautiful and warm, reminiscent of a home where a lot of memories have been made. Apart from the atmosphere, the food was fantastic! Every bite was happiness. We would 100% recommend this to anyone visiting sorrento. It was such a charming and delightful experience!

Katie & Therese - settembre 2024

We had the best time with Laura cooking a homemade meal at her apartment in Sorrento. It was so close to our hotel and Town Centre, it worked perfectly as we were exhausted and didn’t want to drive out of town very far. We learned some tips and tricks to making home made pasta dough and LOVED the tiramisu! We got to take home our leftovers and had them for breakfast the next day. Would 1000% recommend this to anyone visiting Sorrento!

Jordan - settembre 2024

179,00 € per ospite

89,50 € per bambino

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Laura & Ettore
Cesarina dal 2022Città: Sorrento    Lingue: Italiano e Inglese
Sorrento, scrigno di bellezza della Campania, è internazionalmente nota non solo per il fascino del mare e dei suoi panorami, ma anche per il seducente richiamo esercitato dalle eccellenze gastronomiche del territorio.  A pochi passi dalla centrale Piazza Tasso c’è la casa di Laura ed Ettore. La nostra è una cucina green. Ci impegniamo ad assumere comportamenti di sostenibilità ambientale, anche in cucina: privilegiamo ingredienti con basso impatto e che viaggiano poco, dunque di provenienza locale e di stagione. Siamo sempre attenti ad evitare gli sprechi alimentari: ai nostri ospiti offriamo sempre la (graditissima) possibilità di portar via il cibo preparato insieme e non consumato!
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