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Tour enogastronomici

Tour del Mercato con aperitivo fatto in casa

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Durata 2h 30m

Max 10 ospiti

Lingue parlate: Inglese, Italiano, Spagnolo, Francese

Visita al mercato con aperitivo

Esperienza condivisa
La tua esperienza

    Durante questa esperienza, ti guiderò in un piacevole e vivace tour del Mercato del Capo, uno dei mercati all'aperto più famosi di Palermo. Qui imparerai a riconoscere i migliori ingredienti stagionali e scoprirai i prodotti tipici del territorio. Successivamente, ci sposteremo a casa mia, situata in pieno centro, a due passi dal Teatro Massimo, per degustare un delizioso aperitivo siciliano fatto in casa, accompagnato da un buon calice di vino.

    112 recensioni
    Fabulous lunch with gracious hosts. The market tour was informative and Alice and Francesco prepared a delicious lunch with stories about the food and how the recipes were passed from grandparents and regional differences. Highly recommend.

    Lisa - settembre 2024

    Our class with Alice was just perfection. From the warm welcome, to the recipes we made and the wonderful chats we had. This was exactly the authentic pasta experience I was looking for in Italy. My husband and I booked there for a date night and it was so special. We cooked two types of pasta, ravioli and busiate. Alice taught us how to make beautiful ravioli stuffed with aubergine filling and delicately decorated with basil leaves rolled into the pasta! Then we rolled the busiate shapes and she taught us 5 other pasta shapes. We also made tiramisu which is the best I have ever tasted! No, I am not exaggerating. How lucky am I to have the recipe! We had soooo much fun. Of course the best part actually was the END of the class because with a candle lit dinner we all ate the freshly cooked pasta and ate as much tiramisu as our belly could hold. Hands down the best pasta we had on our entire vacation! HUGE BONUS right in the centre of Palermo!! If you are thinking of booking, do it now!

    Ewa  - settembre 2024

    We had an absolutely wonderful time at Alice and Francesco's home for our Italian cooking lesson. From the moment we arrived, they made us feel incredibly welcome. Alice and Francesco were fantastic hosts and instructors. They were not only knowledgeable but also very patient, taking the time to explain each step of the pasta-making process in detail. Their kitchen was impeccably clean and organized, which made the whole experience even more enjoyable. The food was simply outstanding! The pasta we made was delicious, and the tiramisu was the perfect way to end the meal. While the pasta was cooking , they had thoughtfully prepared a lovely aperitif for us to enjoy as we settled in, setting the perfect tone for the meal. Overall, it was a memorable experience that we would highly recommend to anyone looking to learn the art of Italian cooking. Alice and Francesco are warm, professional, and incredibly skilled at what they do. We can't thank them enough for such a delightful meal!

    Marcela de Avila - settembre 2024

    What a fabulous experience! I completely enjoyed my cannoli making class with Alice. Both she and her partner, Francesco, are so knowledgeable about the science behind the cooking and could not have been lovelier to be around. Making a recipe passed down from Alice's nonna in the very apartment where she grew up made it even more special. She patiently showed me the MANY steps required for making the shells and, in the end, the cannoli were DELICIOUS! The conversation was great and Alice even made me a little package to take home with leftover shells, a small piping bag with the cream and bit of the orange peel and pistachios. In fact, I just ate two of them (the day after the class). I would highly recommend this experience!

    Carol - settembre 2024

    Simply amazing with2 wonderful hosts who showed me so many tips and I am very pleased with the cooking we did and I’m going to share it with the Sicilian cafe downstairs ! I thoroughly recommend booking a course with Alice. A first class experience with top professionals who will bring out the best in you - perfetta!

    stephen furness - agosto 2024

    139,00 € per ospite

    69,50 € per bambino

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    Cesarina dal 2022Città: Palermo    Lingue: Inglese, Italiano, Spagnolo, Francese
    "Sono stata sin da bambina appassionata alla cucina e al cibo, complici la nonna che amava cucinare e tutta la famiglia che ama mangiare bene. Ho deciso quindi di intraprendere una carriera universitaria nell’ambito della gastronomia. Ho affrontato un percorso multidisciplinare ed olistico che ha trattato a 360° il mondo del cibo. Amo cucinare per la mia famiglia e per gli altri, partendo dalla scelta delle ricette e dalla selezione degli ingredienti. Mi piace sperimentare e sono particolarmente appassionata alla pasticceria e ai lievitati. Faccio ricerche su antichi ricettari e chiedendo in giro, soprattutto alle signore anziane, le loro ricette di famiglia. La Sicilia, come tutta l’Italia, possiede un’eredità gastronomica inestimabile, le cui ricette e preparazioni variano di casa in casa, non solo tra città e province. Questo dà la possibilità al palato di gustare gli stessi piatti della tradizione con diversi ingredienti, tecniche e storie."
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