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Cesarina dal 2018

Piatto forte: Ziti alla genovese

Vivo a: Napoli

Lingue parlate: Italiano, Inglese, Francese

Buono a sapersi

Offro alternative vegetariane

Ciao da Anna!

Anna, la nostra Cesarina, ci accoglie con calore e solarità per farci vivere un'esperienza di gusto dai sapori partenopei. La sua passione per la cucina è nata grazie alla nonna materna, di origine Toscana, che quando qualcosa non andava diceva: "ora si fa un po’ di mangiarino bono “e tutto si sistema!"Ed ecco che la buona cucina, quella di Anna, diventa la soluzione per sistemare ogni cosa, per creare momenti di convivialità e il posto perfetto per farlo è proprio attorno alla tavola della nostra Cesarina!

First Mosaic image
Second Mosaic imageThird Mosaic image
Le mie specialità
  •  Pizza di scarola
  •  Ziti alla genovese
  •  Salsicce
67 recensioni
We met Anna at her apartment in Naples. She was very welcomming. Anna is very passionate about her cooking. We learned about the history of napolitan cooking and how to make the dishes we vere served later. We had a very tasteful lunch with both white and red wine. I do recomend this experience.

Froydis - luglio 2024

Lovely time and enjoyed making fresh pasta with Anna! I'm now searching for my own pasta machine - wonderful experience.

Nancy and Emilee - giugno 2024

It was an absolute pleasure to have this experience with Ana. It started with a market tour, where all the venderos knew her. She gave us a taste of napolitan pizza, and mozzarella. It was great fun. Then we came back to her home, and started cooking with her. We had a wonderful time, full of laughter and joy. She gave us more dishes than advertised, all delicicous. In summary, we highly recommend the experience with Ana!

Gabriel - maggio 2024

My fiance and I visted Naples and got a cooking class with Anna. It was one of our favorite experiences in Italy! We made two pastas and a tiramisù. Everything was amazing and Anna was the best host! Would recommend this everyone.

Catilina  - novembre 2023

We learned how to make amazing pasta for ravioli and tiramisu. My 2 favorite dishes!! The results for both were beyond DELICIOUS!!!! The experince was the most gratifying part. The chef, Ana, is a wonderful hostess and instructor!!! Thank you for making our experience in Naples the best!!!

Veronica Duarte - novembre 2023

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