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Cesarina dal 2018

Piatto forte: Paccheri con cozze e pecorino

Vivo a: Napoli

Lingue parlate: Italiano e Inglese

Buono a sapersi

Offro alternative vegetariane

Ciao da Laura!

Nella famiglia di Laura, la nostra Cesarina, la cucina tipica è stata sempre una tradizione intima, familiare tramandata da generazioni, dai suoi avi che ne facevano una professione con una tipica trattoria napoletana nel cuore di Napoli. I  suoi bis nonni, nonni, zii hanno conservato gelosamente tutti i segreti e i trucchi non trascritti in nessun libro di cucina. Cucinare per Laura è un esercizio spirituale, dove la combinazione di odori, profumi, sapori, colori le danno energia e la fanno innamorare sempre più di questa nobile arte… "cucinare per gli altri mi arricchisce e mi riempie di orgoglio."

First Mosaic image
Second Mosaic imageThird Mosaic image
Le mie specialità
  •  Pizza fritta Montanara (pomodoro San Marzano, mozzarella fior di latte, parmigiano grattutgiato)
  •  Paccheri con cozze e pecorino
  •  Mozzarella di bufala e pomodori di Sorrento
5 recensioni
We had an amazing time with Laura and her beautiful family. They were all very welcoming and each dish we prepared was delicious! I did have a little trouble finding the location but I also did arrive 30 minutes ahead of my tour time so that was at no fault to Laura. I also thought that the apron we used was included in the tour but also found that this was a misprint on my booking site. I would have that changed on the reservation inclusion section on the Viator website as it could be a little misleading for clients thinking that it is included like myself. Other than those two minor things, I couldn’t have wished for a better experience!

Britney D. - luglio 2024

Laura and her partner were wonderful and made us feel so welcome in their home. We made an appetizer, pasta dish and dessert. All of it tasted wonderful and was fun to make. They also gave us some recommendations on restaurants and things to see in the area. All around amazing experience.

Ella - giugno 2024

We had a wonderful experience with Laura and her sweet family! Not only were we guided in creating a wonderful, authentic meal, we also learned so much about the culture and family life in the Naples region. Thank you for sharing your home and family with us! Beautiful memories for us all!!

Laurie, Jason and Iris - maggio 2024

We had and excellent tour Laura, we were taken round areas in Naples we would not have seen otherwise. We stopped on route for delicious bites and beautiful churches. I would definitely recommend this tour with Laura.

Jennifer and David Mills - aprile 2024

Laura and Claudio where exelent! It was a very fun and interesting experience. They explained alot about Napoli, their food and about themeselves. The food itself was great of course, and we learned how to make classic napolitan food.

Gal - ottobre 2019

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