Corsi di cucina

Mani in Pasta Experience: passatelli e cappellacci

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Durata 3h

Max 9 ospiti

Lingue parlate: Italiano e Inglese

Corso di cucina condiviso di un prodotto tipico locale:pasta, panzerotti + degustazione del piatto con vino

Esperienza condivisa
La tua esperienza

    Ogni mercoledì ti aspetto a casa mia per vivere una serata diversa dal solito: un'esperienza all'insegna del buon cibo, della condivisione e di nuove conoscenze!

    Calendario del Mani in Pasta Experience a Pesaro:

    -16/10: passatelli con brodo vegetale o di carne

    -30/10: cappellacci con spinaci e ricotta

    -13/11: cappellacci con spinaci e ricotta

    -27/11: cappellacci con spinaci e ricotta

    -11/12: passatelli con brodo vegetale o di carne

    Metteremo le mani in pasta per preparare insieme una ricetta della tradizione della quale imparerai realizzazione e segreti. Dopo il corso assaggeremo il piatto preparato e brinderemo con un buon vino. Sarà un'occasione unica per condividere una serata e conoscere nuove persone.

    Vieni a vivere una Seratina con Cesarine!

    17 recensioni
    What a beautiful way to get to know the pesarian kitchen, culture and people. Silvana and her husband gave us the experience we were looking for. Silvana really didnt give us only the cooking class but made us feel at home at their place and gave us a insight in their house and culture! She is the best teacher and made us laugh and relax while cooking, whats doesnt happen a lot ;) Thanks again and please let us know when you visit Holland

    Natasja & Jermain - ottobre 2024

    Thank you Silvana for a perfect afternoon. You are a wonderful hostess, teacher and chef. My husband and I had a marvelous experience and hope to do it again when we visit Marche in the future. It was an honor to enjoy your lovely home and garden and share a delicious meal with you and your husband. Please come visit us in South Carolina.

    Jean - settembre 2024

    Thank you Silvana, it was so beautiful day that I could enjoy with you that typical pesarian food. She offered us not only delicious food but also amazing experience! She warmly accepted my request and changed programme with flexibility, and she took attention to our children and made them enjoyed a lot. She is so adorable person which has experience children care, so my children liked her so much. (Of course also I!!) That was so good point for us that we could enjoy cooking without worrying about my children. For family, I think this is good choice as travel program. Thank you so much indeed, and I'll be back to enjoy this experience again surely.

    Sayoko - agosto 2024

    I usually don’t write reviews, but this time was different. I wanted to surprise my wife the day of her birthday with a unique Italian food experience and Silvana did not disappoint at all! Above and the beyond the great cooking class, we had a wonderful time meeting Silvana’s family and knowing more about the history of the location and their family. Cherry on top, Silvana let us dine out in their backyard among the olives trees in the middle of a beautiful sunset. Highly recommended for those that are looking for an authentic Italian experience.

    Nick - agosto 2024

    I enjoyed an unforgettable evening with Silvi and her lovely family! Stepping into their charming home was not like entering a kitchen, it felt more like entering a warm embrace filled with heart and laughter. Silvi led our group of Americans with enthusiasm and passion, and worked closely with each of us to ensure we understand the process to make delicious piadina. We had the pleasure of enjoying an incredible dinner outside, watching the sunset amongst new and old friends within a scenic postcard setting. The flavors and quality of local ingredients were above anything we've tasted. The evening was perfectly drawn by enjoying the company of Silvi and Stefano under the stars; their care and hospitality is unmatched. Such an incredible experience, I would go back in a heartbeat!

    Carolyn - luglio 2024

    59,00 € per ospite

    29,50 € per bambino

    Riceverai l'indirizzo esatto dopo aver prenotato.
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    Cesarina dal 2020Città: Pesaro    Lingue: Italiano e Inglese
    "Mi piace tutto ciò che appartiene alla natura e nel tempo libero mi dedico alla coltivazione di frutta, olivi, e ortaggi, in pieno rispetto dei ritmi della terra e con un approccio totalmente naturale, in quanto fortemente convinta che gran parte del nostro benessere sia legato alla qualità del cibo che mangiamo. La mia casa in collina si trova a 15 minuti da Pesaro, un luogo rilassante dove la riconnessione con la terra prende vita grazie al frusciare delle foglie dei 500 ulivi che la circondano. La mia tavola è di conseguenza all’insegna di cibi semplici, prevalentemente realizzati con il pescato del giorno del Mare Adriatico, accompagnati da ciò che la nostra terra ci offre, sempre nel pieno rispetto della stagionalità e della tradizione di famiglia".
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