Corsi di cucina

Salvia fritta, tagliatelle e crema pasticcera con fragole

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Durata 3h

Max 8 ospiti

Lingue parlate: Italiano e Inglese

Corso di cucina: impara a cucinare le ricette della tradizione e degusta i piatti preparati durante il corso

Esperienza privata
La tua esperienza
  • Salvia di casa fritta
  • Tagliatelle con i piselli
  • Crema pasticcera con composta di fragole

Portiamo in tavola profumi e sapori dell'orto di casa!

Un menù della tradizione di casa che comprende un antipasto, un primo e il dessert.

Raccoglieremo le foglie giganti dell'orto delle aromatiche nel giardino di casa e dopo aver preparato insieme la pastella le friggeremo e le degusteremo con uno spumante locale.

Prepareremo poi le tagliatelle come "una volta" mettendo le mani in pasta con farina e uova delle nostre "galline felici!" Le condiremo con un ragù di piselli del nostro orto.

Concluderemo preparando la crema crema pasticcera con la composta di fragole, una squisitezza!

14 recensioni
I enjoyed an unforgettable evening with Silvi and her lovely family! Stepping into their charming home was not like entering a kitchen, it felt more like entering a warm embrace filled with heart and laughter. Silvi led our group of Americans with enthusiasm and passion, and worked closely with each of us to ensure we understand the process to make delicious piadina. We had the pleasure of enjoying an incredible dinner outside, watching the sunset amongst new and old friends within a scenic postcard setting. The flavors and quality of local ingredients were above anything we've tasted. The evening was perfectly drawn by enjoying the company of Silvi and Stefano under the stars; their care and hospitality is unmatched. Such an incredible experience, I would go back in a heartbeat!

Carolyn - luglio 2024

I surpised my partner with the cooking class. Silvana is very nice and explains how to make delicious courses. I would recommend the cooking class to my family and friends!

Manon - giugno 2024

My Mother and I booked this experience with not a second thought as it sounded like an amazing experience. What we experienced with Silvana and her husband, Stefano, was even more incredible than what we could've imagined. The food was sublime. Making passatelli from scratch, enjoying countless appetizers, and all while enjoying Silvana and Stefano's warm hospitality made it an experience we won't soon forget. Not to mention we enjoyed our lunch in their backyard under the olive trees while looking out at the mountains; simply stunning. If you're coming to Pesaro or the surrounding regions, you MUST make time to go to Silvana's!!

Jacob Moore - giugno 2024

My wife and I were guests of an an exceptional Italian lady and her husband. We received a warm and hearty welcome into a beautiful home with a large garden. Silvana’s husband cultivates olives and - as an extra - I received a short introduction into the art of growing olives to produce a first rate olive oil. After the antipasti on the terrace (piade and parmigiano accompanied by a very suitable prosecco) we were asked inside to enjoy the first course in the preparation of which we were able to lend a hand: passatelli , a tipical dish of Le Marche offered with a very tasty salad. The main course, parts of squid roasted with potatoes and more “frutti di mare” was as excellent as the “primo”. This was followed up by an incredibly tasty “dolce” with fresh strawberries and vanilla, a creation of Silvana herself. Actually I should not have spent so much time on the menu, although it was perfectly wonderful, because the main experience of the evening was the openness, friendliness and patience (with my Italian) of our hosts! Hardly ever have I met with such friendly, interesting - and interested - people. I’m afraid we stayed much too long because time really flew that night. Altogether: I really love Italy and the Italian cuisine. So this evening was, for me and my wife, one of the most pleasurable experiences we ever made. The Cesarine idea is excellent. It allows the person interested in Italian culture a lively and intensive contact with an important aspect of this culture: the cuisine - but most of all the friendliness of the people who make this culture come alive, Silvana and Stefano, two excellent ambassadors of the Italian culture.

Bernhard Simon - giugno 2024

Che esperienza meravigliosa! Da abruzzese fuori sede amo conoscere la cultura gastronomica del territorio e grazie a Silvana ho scoperto tutti i segreti di un'ottima piadina sfogliata. Silvana è una Cesarina fantastica e consiglio assolutamente un'esperienza culinaria con lei! grazie per l'accoglienza, le chiacchiere e l'ottimo cibo e vino. Alla prossima cooking class! 😊

Luana - marzo 2024

129,00 € per ospite

64,50 € per bambino

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Cesarina dal 2020Città: Pesaro    Lingue: Italiano e Inglese
"Mi piace tutto ciò che appartiene alla natura e nel tempo libero mi dedico alla coltivazione di frutta, olivi, e ortaggi, in pieno rispetto dei ritmi della terra e con un approccio totalmente naturale, in quanto fortemente convinta che gran parte del nostro benessere sia legato alla qualità del cibo che mangiamo. La mia casa in collina si trova a 15 minuti da Pesaro, un luogo rilassante dove la riconnessione con la terra prende vita grazie al frusciare delle foglie dei 500 ulivi che la circondano. La mia tavola è di conseguenza all’insegna di cibi semplici, prevalentemente realizzati con il pescato del giorno del Mare Adriatico, accompagnati da ciò che la nostra terra ci offre, sempre nel pieno rispetto della stagionalità e della tradizione di famiglia".
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