Food experiences

Bergamo meets Emilia

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Duration 2h 30m

Max 6 guests

Spoken languages:  Italian and English

Typical 4-course dining experience with aperitivo and cooking demo

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    Born to parents from Emilia and having moved to Bergamo thirty-six years ago, I had the opportunity to discover how the cured meats and cheeses from this region pair perfectly with the specialties of my family tradition: tigelle and borlenghi (a type of crêpe). These dishes, whose origins date back to the Middle Ages, are served with a selection of local cured meats and cheeses, paired with vegetables, or they can be topped with Modenese pesto—a blend of lard, garlic, and rosemary, sprinkled with Parmigiano Reggiano. You’ll get to choose the type of topping that inspires you the most. Everything is freshly prepared on aluminum plates with very long handles, known as cotte, and served with Lambrusco, concluding with chocolate borlengo and lemon mousse.

    Total: €109.00

    per guest

    €54.50 per child


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    Cesarina from 2024Location: Bergamo    Languages: Italian and English
    My name is Alessandro Carlini, I was born in Milan in 1961 to parents from Emilia. My father was originally from Sestola, a mountain village in the province of Modena, and he taught me how to make Berlenghi, a typical specialty from that part of the Apennines. These are very thin crêpes made from a simple, liquid batter consisting of water, flour, and salt, which is called "colla." Another specialty from the Modenese Apennines is Crescentine (better known as Tigelle), a small, round type of bread, which, like Berlenghi, are traditionally served with Modenese pesto—a blend of lard, garlic, and rosemary, accompanied by Parmesan cheese. Alternatively, these dishes can be paired with cured meats, cheeses, vegetables, or Nutella for a sweet version.
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