Food experiences

The Great Veronese Boiled Meat and its Majesty Pearà

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Castelnuovo del Garda

Duration 2h 30m

Max 10 guests

Spoken languages:  English and Italian

Tasting of traditional dishes

Private Experience
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    I'm waiting for you for a Veronese traditional culinary experience. From the typical appetizer, beef nervetti salad with peppers and onions, to the first course, tortelli in broth stuffed with chicken hearts and livers. Then the second course, Bollito with Pearà, the dish of great festivities made with: hen, beef, cotechino, veal head, and salted tongue all served with Pearà (a sauce made with grated bread, broth, and beef marrow) whose delicate flavor is made spicy with a generous addition of pepper, green sauce, and cren (a sauce based on horseradish).

    To finish, the classic tiramisu.

    Total: €95.00

    per guest

    €47.50 per child

    3 reviews
    Elena’s cooking was amazing at a nice country home. We’re so glad we were able to try local dishes! Highly recommend if you are in the area!

    Sara - September 2024

    Elena mi ha proposto una cena vegetariana con diverse portate a dir poco stupenda: piatti diversi dal solito e curati in ogni dettaglia. La sua compagnia, inoltre, è stata veramente piacevole. Consiglio assolutamente!

    Bellissima esperienza - February 2024

    Elena ist eine wunderbare Gastgeberin und wir hatten das Vergnügen mit ihr (und ihrem Ehemann Antonio) einen liebevollen und unvergesslichen Abend zu verbringen. Gekocht und gebacken wurden leckere und typisch italienische Gerichte, mit denen wir zukünftig bei unseren Freunden angeben können, z.B. mit dem traditionellen Mürbegebäck der Region von Mantova, der Torta Sbrisolona. Laut meinem Freund Markus war es das beste Geburtstagsgeschenk aller Zeiten! Dem kann ich nicht widersprechen. Es war wirklich großartig :-) Elena è una padrona di casa meravigliosa e abbiamo avuto il piacere di trascorrere con lei (e con suo marito Antonio) una serata deliziosa e indimenticabile. Sono stati cucinati e sfornati piatti deliziosi e tipici italiani, che potremo mostrare ai nostri amici in futuro, come ad esempio la tradizionale pasta frolla mantovana, la Torta Sbrisolona. Secondo il mio amico Markus, è stato il miglior regalo di compleanno di sempre! Non posso non essere d'accordo. E' stato davvero fantastico :-)

    Markus und Steffi - October 2022

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    Image Profile
    Cesarina from 2019Location: Castelnuovo del Garda    Languages: English and Italian
    "Friends call me 'Archichef', I'm an architect stolen from the kitchen. Architecture and Cuisine are both children of creativity, but supported by a rigid discipline, which is camouflaged by color, flavor and apparent lightness and simplicity. I love recipes popular, those of grandmothers and traditions that are no longer used and I love, at times, to transform them into a new dish, but not too much. My philosophy is to use top quality products, as much as possible at zero km; pasta, homemade bread, pizza and desserts. Most of the fresh products are of own production (vegetables, fruits) found in local farms, or from DOCG, DOP, organic or biodynamic denomination companies."
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