Food experiences

Traditional dining experience overlooking the Bay of Naples

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Anna e Pino


Duration 2h 30m

Max 10 guests

Spoken languages:  Italian, English, Spanish

Food tasting experience with cooking demo

Shared Experience
Your experience
  • Mixed appetizer with local products
  • Pasta with potatoes and provola cheese
  • Chocolate cake

The dining experience will take place in our home in Naples, from which there is an enchanting view of the Bay of Naples.

We will taste traditional Neapolitan dishes, starting with a mixed appetizer: bruschetta with seasonal vegetables, olives, cheese, and cold cuts, and Neapolitan street food. The main course will be "pasta mista con patate", made with potatoes sauce, onion, evo oil, cherry tomatoes, celery, basil, and Parmigiano Reggiano cheese, blended with a tasty fresh Neapolitan Provola cheese. A much-loved traditional Neapolitan recipe that has always been popular in our homes! White and red wine will accompany the courses. Homemade limoncello and a surprise dessert will delight our meeting!


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€85.00 per guest

€42.50 per child

You’ll receive the exact address after the booking
Image Profile
Anna e Pino
Cesarina from 2023Location: Naples    Languages: Italian, English, Spanish
My husband Pino and I are Neapolitans born and raised in a large, chaotic city that is always on the move and beautiful like few others: Naples! We live in the hilly area of Naples in a large apartment with a wonderful view of the gulf. Our hosting experience began more than ten years ago. Every day we meet people from all over the world: it's fantastic! We love Neapolitan cuisine: fresh pasta with Vesuvius cherry tomatoes and baked gnocchi are unsurpassed. Fried pizza and fritturine are our Neapolitan passion, especially during family weekends. The Neapolitan tradition has been rooted in us since childhood. Cuisine is a cult for us Neapolitans. Cooking and eating with guests and friends while sipping good wine is the best time we experience at the end of our day, completely unplugging from everyday commitments. Cooking is an exciting experience every time!
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