San Desiderio: Cooking Classes, Food experiences and Food & Wine Tours

5 (9)
Cooking classes Asti: Sinoir snack, namely 5 dishes for a super appetizer
Cooking classes
Sinoir snack, namely 5 dishes for a super appetizerHosted by Fabiana e Andrea
€179 per guest
Shared Experience
5 (13)
Cooking classes Asti: Cooking class on fresh pasta and traditional dessert
Cooking classes
Cooking class on fresh pasta and traditional dessertHosted by Fabiana e Andrea
€72 per guest
Shared Experience
Food experiences San Desiderio: Welcome to the Monferrato! Taste and quality are at home
Food experiences
Welcome to the Monferrato! Taste and quality are at homeHosted by Enrico
San Desiderio
€62 per guest
Shared Experience
Food & Wine Tours Villafranca d'Asti: Exclusive and private Wine Tasting with Sommelier
Food & Wine Tours
Exclusive and private Wine Tasting with SommelierHosted by Clara Maria
Villafranca d'Asti
€80 per guest
Shared Experience
5 (9)
Food & Wine Tours Asti: Market visit and cooking class in Asti
Food & Wine Tours
Market visit and cooking class in AstiHosted by Fabiana e Andrea
€199 per guest
Shared Experience
Food experiences Villanova d'Asti: Culinary experience on tradition revisited
Food experiences
Culinary experience on tradition revisitedHosted by Claudia
Villanova d'Asti
€51 per guest
Shared Experience
5 (9)
Cooking classes Asti: Cooking class on agnolotti!
Cooking classes
Cooking class on agnolotti!Hosted by Fabiana e Andrea
€76 per guest
Shared Experience
Top location
Food & Wine Tours Maretto: Pic Nic in the Vineyard to Discover Monferrato
Food & Wine Tours
Pic Nic in the Vineyard to Discover MonferratoHosted by Clara Maria
€80 per guest
Shared Experience
Food & Wine Tours Maretto: Winery tour and tasting
Food & Wine Tours
Winery tour and tastingHosted by Clara Maria
€80 per guest
Shared Experience
Food experiences San Desiderio: At Enrico's home: tradition, taste and quality!
Food experiences
At Enrico's home: tradition, taste and quality!Hosted by Enrico
San Desiderio
€62 per guest
Shared Experience
5 (9)
Cooking classes Asti: Cooking class for fresh pasta lovers
Cooking classes
Cooking class for fresh pasta loversHosted by Fabiana e Andrea
€179 per guest
Shared Experience
5 (9)
Cooking classes Asti: His majesty the black truffle
Cooking classes
His majesty the black truffleHosted by Fabiana e Andrea
€153 per guest
Shared Experience
5 (10)
Cooking classes Asti: Fresh pasta and tiramisu in the quiet of Monferrato
Cooking classes
Fresh pasta and tiramisu in the quiet of MonferratoHosted by Fabiana e Andrea
€149 per guest
Shared Experience
Partner Offer
Food & Wine Tours Ozzano Monferrato: Sala Monferrato: Wine and food tasting
Food & Wine Tours
Sala Monferrato: Wine and food tastingHosted by Botto Marco Vini
Ozzano Monferrato
€40 per guest
Shared Experience

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