Corsi di cucina

La pasta fresca fatta in casa

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Reggio Calabria

Durata 3h

Max 3 ospiti

Lingue parlate: Inglese e Italiano

Corso di cucina: impara a cucinare le ricette italiane con una Cesarina locale

Esperienza privata
La tua esperienza

    Viaggeremo insieme su un arcobaleno di pasta fresca colorata: useremo ortaggi e spezie per colorare la nostra pasta e daremo loro le forme piu svariate,( cuore, stella, rose, cappellini).

    Per il ripieno,la colorazione, e i condimenti seguiremo la stagionalità, per rendere la pasta unica e prelibata.

    Non mancherà un aperitivo di benvenuto e dei golosi dolcetti tipici.

    Totale: 145,00 €

    145,00 € 
    per ospite

    72,50 € per bambino

    13 recensioni
    Amazing people, very accommodating, amazing Food, all from scratch!! ❤️❤️❤️

    Nushin.P - ottobre 2024

    I could not have asked for a better host, Antonella was AMAZING!!! She was so warm and welcoming and very knowledgeable about all things cooking. I had such a beautiful afternoon/ evening with her. It truly was a highlight of my trip.

    Nicole - luglio 2024

    A friend and I were in Reggio Calabria and wanted to take a pasta making class. Antonella welcomed us into her home and taught us how to make beautiful and tasty pasta but more than that we talked, we laughed, it was like discovering you have Italian relatives and they invite you into their home. I finally met someone who could answer my questions about European flour. I also learned you can freeze pomegranate seeds and put them in a glass of Prosecco. That was a life lesson. I highly recommend taking a class with Antonella to anyone who wishes to cook and eat a fresh cooked authentic Italian meal while having fun at the same time

    Mary and Wendy - maggio 2024

    Our time spent with Antonella and her family was priceless to us siblings. It was our first time to our heritage roots. To eat and watch her make our local regional food and receive and education in the process was worth it all. We highly recommend this experience if you are going to Reggio Calabria.

    Judy, Randy, Paulette - aprile 2024

    Our evening with Cesarina Antonella was everything we hoped for and more. We received a warm welcome to her home. She truly went to great lengths to give us an authentic food experience, with each ingredient selected regionally- keeping with what people directly from Reggio Calabria would come to expect. There were so many dishes and courses we could not count. Everything was made by hand and was of exquisite taste. She even accommodated for my wife’s vegan vegetarian diet. Conversation was fun and we learned more about the city than we could have possibly gotten from a tour. This was truly a special night and one we will never forget!

    Jamie & Susan - marzo 2024

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    Cesarina dal 2018Città: Reggio Calabria    Lingue: Inglese e Italiano
    Nel cuore del Mediterraneo, nel profondo sud d’Italia, angolo di luce, mare e poesia. Siamo a Reggio Calabria, il suo lungomare è una delle più panoramiche e belle passeggiate della nostra penisola, dove respirare il profumo del mare, ammirare l’inconfondibile sagoma dell’Etna e godersi il calar della sera sullo stretto. A pochi passi dal centro storico incontriamo Antonella. La nostra Cesarina ci dà il benvenuto nella sua accogliente casa, con terrazza panoramica vista mare. Durante i corsi di cucina Antonella propone ricette tipiche calabresi: dalla pasta rigorosamente fatta a mano, come i maccheroni al ferretto, dai colori e sapori della terra e del mare, ai salumi accompagnati dalle tipiche conserve di verdure, melanzane, altre verdure sott’olio e pomodori secchi, fino ad arrivare ai dolci della tradizione.  
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