Esperienze gastronomiche

Napoli - Milano One Way

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Durata 2h 30m

Max 2 ospiti

Lingue parlate: Italiano e Inglese

Pranzi e Cene: siediti a tavola e goditi un'autentica esperienza culinaria a casa di una Cesarina locale

Esperienza privata
La tua esperienza

    Mamma Teresa e Francesca vi accompagneranno in un viaggio enogastronomico, tra piatti e bicchieri dove l’unione dei due territori, quello di origine e quello di adozione, sarà espressione di massimo gusto.

    Mamma Teresa vi preparerà piatti della tradizione napoletana tramandate da generazioni e Francesca vi proporrà degli abbinamenti con vini del territorio lombardo.

    5 recensioni
    Teresa and her daughter are absolutely amazing and friendly hosts. I enjoyed friendly atmosphere during the visits and their delicious food. Napoli cuisine rules. Thank you so much, for having me. It was a huge pleasure!

    Darius (Dario) - gennaio 2024

    La sig.ra Teresa cucina divinamente piatti della tradizione italiana con tanta passione che trasmette sin dal primo momento. Esperienza consigliatissima, tanta simpatia ed accoglienza unica ….

    Francesco ed Alexandra  - gennaio 2024

    Teresa and her daughter were both very lovely. The food was delicious and completely Italian (Naples). It was a good night with nice conversations. We definitely recommend this experience.

    San - ottobre 2023

    Teresa and her daughter Francesca were wonderful hosts! They were welcoming and so kind. Francesca is a wealth of knowledge regarding wine, and I was able to taste and compare multiple wines and learn about different regions. Teresa is clearly experienced in the kitchen, and was happy to demonstrate techniques, or step aside to let me get involved, whichever I preferred. The food was outstanding - what a meal! I would happily repeat the experience with them if I return to Milan.

    Laura - settembre 2023

    Teresa was a wonderful host, really took care of me and was very patient with me, as I'm not very experienced at cooking. A week later I was successfully able to make amazing pizza for me family. I highly recommend the experience to anyone

    Rupin - marzo 2023

    95,00 € per ospite

    47,50 € per bambino

    Riceverai l'indirizzo esatto dopo aver prenotato.
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    Cesarina dal 2022Città: Milano    Lingue: Italiano e Inglese
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