Corsi di cucina

Pizza margherita e tiramisù con vista su Vesuvio

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Durata 3h

Max 6 ospiti

Lingue parlate: Italiano e Inglese

Corso di cucina condiviso con pizza e tiramisù seguito da pranzo o cena con le ricette preparate durante la lezione.

Esperienza condivisa
La tua esperienza
  • Pizza margherita
  • Pizza fritta Montanara
  • Tiramisu con caffè e cacao

Sulla nostra terrazza, con vista sul Vesuvio, avrete l'opportunità di impastare, cuocere in un vero forno a lega e friggere, tre tipi di pizza: le sfiziose montanarine (piccole pizze fritte) con pomodoro , basilico e formaggio, la famosa Pizza Margherita e la storica Pizza Marinara dal profumo e gusto intenso.

Ci delizieremo con il dolce italiano più conosciuto al mondo; il Tiramisù. In una location suggestiva, vivrete un'esperienza indimenticabile. Vi aspetto!


11 recensioni
Our family had a wonderful time learning to cook with Elisa B and we enjoyed meeting and sharing our time with Elisa and her family. The food was amazing and we felt like we got a true Italian Family experience. It was a great experience, and we highly recommend to all.

Jennifer N - ottobre 2024

Elisa was a fantastic teacher. We enjoyed the ambiance of the outdoor kitchen and learning her methods for real Neapolitan pizza. Highly recommend this experience!

Donna M - ottobre 2024

We got a lot of information from Elisa, from the pizza dough, to the technique, to the sauce. Even though we were a little bit late, it was no problem and the communication was very good. We had a little bit of trouble with finding the address, but given that we were already running late and it was raining quite a bit, it might have been us trying to get there as quickly as possible. What, I think, Elisa appreciated is that we were open to vary a bit with the dessert. We much appreciated what she proposed as alternative to tiramisu, it was very good :D We also got to try a very nice olive oil and desert wine as a bonus! One thing that was different from other similar courses we have done was that we ate separately from the family, which made us feel like something in between a pupil and a restaurant guest. We were involved in family conversation during cooking. We enjoyed the family setting from other courses a bit more, but are not quite sure how workable or desirebale that is for Elisa with pizza, specifically considering our appointment was later than usual and children need to go to bed at some point.

Sander & Sofie - ottobre 2024

Tuve una gran experiencia con Elisa y aprendí mucho. Me enseñó dos tipos de pizza y tiramisú. Me explicó todo paso a paso e incluso me dio recetas para usar más adelante. Incluso tuvo la amabilidad de dejar a mis hijas en la sala de juegos mientras cocinábamos. ¡Gran maestra! Ho avuto una grande esperienza con Elisa e ho imparato molto. Mi ha insegnato due tipi di pizza e il tiramisù. Mi ha spiegato tutto passo dopo passo e mi ha persino fornito le ricette da usare in seguito. È stata anche così gentile da lasciare le mie figlie nella sala giochi mentre cucinavamo. Grande insegnante!

Bayoleth Aguilar - settembre 2024

Ich hatte einen tollen Abend bei Elisa! Zusammen mit ihrer Mama hat sie mir gezeigt, wie eine neapolitanische Parmigiana geht. Es war eine sehr besondere Erfahrung, keine klassische Kochschule, sondern ein Abend bei Locals zuhause. Neben Wein und Limoncello hab ich sogar noch eine Portion zusätzlich mitnehmen dürfen und hatte so auch am nächsten Tag noch etwas vom Kochkurs. Sehr empfehlenswert!

Eva - settembre 2024

129,00 € per ospite

64,50 € per bambino

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Cesarina dal 2021Città: Napoli    Lingue: Italiano e Inglese
"Ogni cosa ci rispecchia, dice qualcosa di noi: il mio territorio è ricco di contrasti (come me), la mia casa è un mix di stili che creano un disordine ordinato, la mia tavola pratica, dai toni luminosi con un tocco di colore, la passione per la cucina viene dal mio senso di appartenenza, soprattutto alla famiglia."
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