Corsi di cucina

Prepariamo lo street food pugliese

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Durata 3h

Max 4 ospiti

Lingue parlate: Italiano e Inglese

Corso di cucina: impara a cucinare le ricette della tradizione italiana con una Cesarina locale

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La tua esperienza

    Pronto a gustare i sapori autentici della Puglia? Potrai provare i nostri irresistibili panzerotti, preparati a mano, farciti con una cremosa mozzarella locale (anche senza lattosio per chi ne ha bisogno) e il nostro pomodoro coltivato in casa. Durante il corso di cucina, realizzerai anche i tipici taralli all’olio d’oliva, fragranti e croccanti. Il tutto sarà accompagnato da una rinfrescante birra pugliese, per un’esperienza davvero completa. E per chiudere in dolcezza, assaporeremo insieme una squisita crostata con marmellata fatta in casa. Non vediamo l’ora di condividere con te questi sapori indimenticabili!

    8 recensioni
    Today, we had an incredible experience at Domenica’s cooking class, learning to make pasta and tiramisu. The setting in Domenica and her husband Stefano’s family home made the experience feel intimate and personal, as if we were part of their family. They were incredibly welcoming, and the warmth they extended made the day truly special. The ingredients were top-notch, with almost everything coming fresh from their own garden, which added an extra layer of authenticity to the meal. In addition to making delicious orecchiette, cavatelli, and tiramisu, we enjoyed a fantastic lunch featuring cheeses, meats, bruschetta, olives, and focaccia. Everything tasted amazing, and the tiramisu was hands-down the best I’ve ever had. I highly recommend this class to anyone looking to learn these dishes in a cozy, family atmosphere—it was an unforgettable experience!

    Scott & Vanessa - ottobre 2024

    Today, we had an incredible experience at Domenica’s cooking class, learning to make pasta and tiramisu. The setting in Domenica and her husband's family home made the experience feel intimate and personal, as if we were part of their family. They were incredibly welcoming, and the warmth they extended made the day truly special. The ingredients were top-notch, with almost everything coming fresh from their own garden, which added an extra layer of authenticity to the meal. In addition to making delicious orecchiette, cavatelli, and tiramisu, we enjoyed a fantastic lunch featuring cheeses, meats, bruschetta, olives, and focaccia. Everything tasted amazing, and the tiramisu was hands-down the best I’ve ever had. I highly recommend this class to anyone looking to learn these dishes in a cozy, family atmosphere—it was an unforgettable experience!

    Scott & Vanessa  - ottobre 2024

    Hi Stefano and domenica, We wisten niet wat we ons voor moesten stellen van deze kook experience totdat we bij jullie kwamen. Wat een mooie plek en wat een lieve mensen zijn jullie. We waren 13 dagen op vakantie vd 15, maar het voelde als thuis komen :) De taal was totaal geen barriëre en zowel jullie als wij deden ons best om elkaar te verstaan. Hoe leuk bij iemand thuis waar de producten van jullie eigen land fruit groente kruiden wijn en de olijven en olijben tot een mooi gerecht tot stand kwamen. Wij hebben hier ontzettend van genoten van de lasagna en tiramisu en van de gerechten die Dominica al gemaakt had die op tafel kwamen heerlijk alles home made. Dankje voor deze gastvrijheid en deze mooie ervaring. Lieve groetjes Wendy en Mark uit nederland

    Wendy en mark - settembre 2024

    Perfect experience in the Italian countryside town of Noci. We had a wonderful time at the private home of Domenica and her husband, Stefano. They were so welcoming and friendly and we had such great conversation. We made 2 traditional pastas and tiramisu. Domenica also made 4-5 various appetizers, with all homemade and home grown ingredients, which were absolutely incredible. Highly recommend if you want an authentic cooking class and a great memory you can take home with you!

    Josh, John, Chelsea, Jamie - settembre 2024

    The class was absolutely fabulous! A beautiful setting and the hosts were most hospitable! Domenica offered each student the opportunity to make each of the dishes and demonstrated very clearly. It was all very simple and delicious. I loved that all the ingredients came from their land. They are most generous to share their space and knowledge. A perfect few hours away from tourist activities if you enjoy cooking and eating

    Rose Templin - settembre 2024

    129,00 € per ospite

    65,00 € per bambino

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    Cesarina dal 2024Città: Noci    Lingue: Italiano e Inglese
    Naturalmente Domy: nata e cresciuta in Puglia, mi sono avvicinata alla cucina 15 anni fa, quando anche il mio secondo figlio ha deciso di lasciare il nido. Speravo che imparando a cucinare le leccornie pugliesi, i miei figli avrebbero sentito di più la mancanza di casa e sarebbero tornati a trovarci più spesso. Negli anni ho perfezionato l'arte del lievito madre, di cui mi prendo cura come fosse un terzo figlio, e con cui mi diverto a preparare taralli, focacce e pizze. La mia passione per la natura mi ha portata anche a coltivare il mio orto biologico. Vi invito a preparare insieme un tipico pranzo pugliese: focaccia alla barese, pasta fresca fatta in casa, taralli e panzerotti, con un dolce a base di frutta della nostra terra.
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