Tour enogastronomici

Visita al mercato del pesce di Catania

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Durata 4h

Max 7 ospiti

Lingue parlate: Italiano e Inglese

Tour gastronomico: degusta i prodotti del territorio e scopri i luoghi del gusto con una Cesarina locale

Esperienza privata
La tua esperienza

    La visita al mercato del pesce centrale di Catania vi permetterà di scoprire l'antica città e acquistare freschissime specialità dai mercanti locali. Potrete gustare prelibatezze tipiche del territorio e assaporare un dolce tradizionale in Piazza Duomo, immersi tra la vivace atmosfera e l'architettura barocca di Catania. Se desiderate, potremo anche visitare il Castello Ursino e il fiume Anemano, che scorre sotto il caratteristico pub "Ostello".

    Totale: 179,00 €

    179,00 € 
    per ospite

    89,50 € per bambino

    5 recensioni
    A perfect experience for hands on learning with a local who cares about sharing her passion for cooking! It was a delight to spend hours with Cinzia sharing our love for Sicilian food and culture. She went out of her way to make sure I had what I needed to be able to do the same back at home. Grazie!!

    Paola - ottobre 2023

    Had a great time with Cinzia Abate and her family. Made us feel like part of the family. The food was delicious as well. Thank you for the great time

    Scott W. - agosto 2023

    We’ve had an amazing experience. It was so lovely and really felt as we were visiting a family member. The food was delicious. Cinzia was super friendly and a wonderful host.

    Kat - gennaio 2023

    Cinzia was a lovely and very welcoming host. She made sure we felt at home in her home. The cooking class was so relaxed and she explained it all in simple steps, that it was nearly impossible to go wrong. She also told us some funny personal stories and let us taste some sicilian specialities. We (3 friends) would absolutely recommend her as a hostess. We left her home with a warm feeling and especially with a full stomach.

    J Cheuk - gennaio 2023

    What an amazing and unique experience! Cinzia and Mauritzio were so lovely and welcoming. They prepared a wide variety of traditional Sicilian dishes and were very generous with the portion sizes as well as with the drinks. And best of all everything tasted sooo delicious :). We will keep this evening in our memories for sure and can absolutely recommend these two. Thanks again for the lovely evening.

    Katharina & Jonas  - ottobre 2022

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    Cesarina dal 2022Città: Catania    Lingue: Italiano e Inglese
    "La nostra cucina si ispira alle più antiche ricette siciliane, utilizzando i prodotti reperibili secondo stagione e le conserve preparate secondo le ricette delle antiche massaie siciliane. I nostri piatti forti sono: risotto stagionato con frutti di mare, pasta con uova di pesce spada, gnocchetti fatti in casa al tartufo; ruota di pesce spada al forno, involtini di alici al forno, insalata di tonno rosso con patate,calamari ripieni, tonno alla cipolla, seppie all'etna bianco; bomboloni fritti con creme siciliane di pistacchio, mandorla e nocciola, cannolo scomposto alla ricotta e tante altre prelibatezze".
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