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Cesarina dal 2022

Piatto forte: Agnolotti piemontesi

Vivo a: Moncalieri

Lingue parlate: Italiano, Inglese, Francese

Buono a sapersi

Offro alternative vegetariane

Ciao da Iva!

"Amo la pasta fresca, ripiena e non, rigorosamente fatta a mano . Da tempo sono in possesso della ricetta degli agnolotti che Camillo Benso conte di Cavour mangiava al "Ristorante del Cambio" a Torino. Amo i cibi della tradizione ma anche menù diversi con contrasti in armonia fra loro per dare la possibilità al cliente di tornare con la curiosità di gustare nuovi sapori".

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12 recensioni
They knew what was regional to Piedmont and welcomed us into their home as old friends. The food was amazing and they had great wine. We only took the aperitivi class, but I will be back for the pasta-making class. Was a wonderful experience. I appreciated all the vegetables. Their home was wonderful (and clean).

Caitlyn (and Carol) - luglio 2024

The cooking class and experience was a wonderful, welcoming and fun experience with our host, Iva. It was a highlight of our family vacation!

Kolter family - giugno 2024

We had a wonderful experience. Iva and her husband were very welcoming and knowledgable. They made us feel at home. We feel like we Made new friends. 100% reccomend.

Lehshel - giugno 2024

Absolutey PHENOMENAL! Wonderful food and instruction. Eva and Maurizio were so kind and welcoming of us into their home. Thank you SO very much!! Could not recommend enough.

Michael Sweet - maggio 2024

Our experience was outstanding from beginning to end. Our hosts were very friendly and gracious and able to accommodate our inability to speak Italian! We first visited a local market then came back to our hosts’ home for a very educational and hands-on cooking class. We learned a lot, enjoyed some great hospitality, and sat down to a delicious meal. What a wonderful way to experience the local culture during our stay in Turin! Thank you!

Tony Arnold and Mary Atkin - maggio 2024

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