Corsi di cucina

Corso di cucina con vista mare a Positano

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Durata 3h

Max 20 ospiti

Lingue parlate: Italiano e Inglese

Corso di cucina condiviso con 2 ricette di pasta, tiramisù e aperitivo seguito da una degustazione di piatti preparati durante la lezione.

Esperienza condivisa
La tua esperienza
  • Scialatielli alla sorrentina
  • Gnocchi alla sorrentina
  • Tiramisù

Vi aspetto per un viaggio unico attraverso i sapori della nostra incantevole Positano, situata nella splendida Cornice della Costiera Amalfitana. La mia cucina è un omaggio ai piatti tipici della Campania, con una vista mozzafiato sul Mar Tirreno che completa questa esperienza gastronomica. Durante il nostro corso di cucina, avrete l'opportunità di imparare a preparare gnocchi alla sorrentina, scialatielli alla sorrentina e un delizioso tiramisù. Condividerò con voi i segreti delle ricette tradizionali campane, svelando trucchi e accorgimenti che rendono i piatti unici e memorabili. Siate pronti per un'esperienza culinaria indimenticabile che vi porterà a gustare autenticità e tradizione, il tutto incorniciato dalla bellezza ineguagliabile della Costiera Amalfitana.

6 recensioni
Fabulous pasta and pizza making class. With a view of beautiful Positano. Chef Andrea and his team were great. - full of interesting tips and gave great instruction. He also demonstrated how to make a caprese cake and limoncello!! All made for a delicious lunch!

LP - giugno 2024

Our cook, Emma, who filled in for Andrea was wonderful! She gave us cooking tips and recipes that we will now make at home! The Prosecco and small bites before the class were delicious! Everything we made was beyond delicious…pizza, pesto with gnocchi, Napoli cake, Tirimasu!!! It was a lovely experience at Rada with a beautiful view!

Kimberly  - maggio 2024

Our private cooking class with Andrea was perfection. We were in a beautiful kitchen with a spectacular view. Our family enjoyed learning how to make the most delicious pizza and gnocchi and all pitched in to make our favorite meal in Positano. The experience was one we will always remember! Food was declious, the almond chocolate cake for dessert was heavenly and Andrea and his assistant were so friendly and helpful.

Lauren Dunn - maggio 2024

There were 14 of us on a cookery course at Rada in Positano. As the weather wasn't great and our boat couldn't dock in Positano, we made it just in time. The location was ideal for such an event and the chef Andrea Ruggeri and his team did everything to leave us with an unforgettable impression. He told us a lot about the products and the dishes and we are already looking forward to cooking them at home. Highly recommended!

Riedel  - maggio 2024

Chef Andrea gave us an amazing experience. He was kind enough to give us a ride to and from his place. We had a great conversation during the drive and got to know more about him. Once we reached his place, we were served some delicious caprese salad(fresh mozzarella and tomatoes from the garden) and some Processo. Chef then gave us a brief overview of the items we were going to prepare and we got started right away. Our first item was caprese cake, Chef showed us how to prepare the cake and we helped him prepare the batter and set it in the oven. Next, we learned to make different types of pasta right from scratch - Ravioli, spaghetti, tagliatelle etc. It was just great to learn how this is made. The ravioli had a caprese stuffing with a tomato sauce and it was just outstanding. Chef also made us spaghetti with lemon cream sauce which was so simple with just the local ingredients from Sorrento. This was one of the best pasta we've ever had. Everyone at Chef's home were so friendly and welcoming. It was a great experience overall and we would recommend this to anyone who is interested in cooking classes in Italy. Cheers!

Rahul & Joanna  - maggio 2023

179,00 € per ospite

89,50 € per bambino

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Cesarina dal 2023Città: Positano    Lingue: Italiano e Inglese
La mia cucina, incastonata nell'incantevole Positano, celebra la bellezza della Costiera Amalfitana. Oltre a offrire piatti tipici campani, la location beneficia di una vista mozzafiato sul Mar Tirreno e di un'atmosfera unica che cattura l'essenza di questo pittoresco angolo di paradiso. Positano, con le sue stradine tortuose e le case colorate che si affacciano sul mare, aggiunge un tocco magico all'esperienza culinaria, trasformandola in un viaggio multisensoriale tra sapori autentici e paesaggi indimenticabili.
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