Corsi di cucina

Corso di cucina sulla pasta!

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Durata 3h

Max 8 ospiti

Lingue parlate: Italiano e Inglese

Corso di cucina condiviso con 2 ricette di pasta, tiramisù e aperitivo seguito da una degustazione di piatti preparati durante la lezione.

Esperienza condivisa
La tua esperienza
  • Ravioli colorati (impiattamento con tonalità vegetali stagionali)
  • Tagliatelle fresche con pomodorini, melanzane e parmigiano
  • Tiramisu o cannoli o bianco e nero

La nostra avventura comincerà con un brindisi e proseguirà con un'esperienza coinvolgente: prepareremo insieme dei ravioli colorati, mescolando alla farina verdure come spinaci, barbabietole o zafferano per dare un tocco divertente al piatto. Successivamente, prepareremo delle deliziose tagliatelle condite con pomodorini, melanzane e parmigiano, arricchite da un sughetto fatto al momento. Infine, condividerò con voi i segreti per realizzare un tiramisù, che preparerete con le vostre stesse mani.

24 recensioni
We loved our cooking morning with Mariella, it was so much fun and she was a lovey and friendly host. We would recommend this tour to anyone!!

Allison Evans - ottobre 2024

This was the best experience during our entire trip to Italy. Mariella Is the an amazing chef and one of the sweetest nicest people I have ever met. Her limited English did not hinder our experience at all, it actually enhanced it. Mariella Picked us up on time at the provided address. Took us to her lovely home and treated like family. She taught us so many amazing authentic Italian dishes. Played classic Italian music for us and shared some of her homemade wine from a local friend of hers. The pasta we made with her was the absolute best pasta I have ever eaten, and I’m a professional chef by trade. We had so much fun with Mariella. Our experience with her was absolutely the highlight of our trip. Don’t think twice about booking this cooking experience and make sure to request Mariella, she’s the best!!!

Mike - ottobre 2024

Mariella was amazing!! She was very welcoming and patient in demonstrating and explaining each step to us. Such a fun experience that we will always remember!

Elisabeth M - ottobre 2024

Mariella was kind and an excellent chef. She shared the history of her family and community through the food she served. We helped make pasta which was a fun experience for us. We are buying a pasta maker as soon as we get home. She offered to take us to her country home which was a 20 minute drive but we were worried about getting back on the ship. I wish we would have taken her up on the offer because it sounded lovely and we would have been back in plenty of time for the cruise departure. Next time!

Kristin B  - luglio 2024

Absolutely amazing! Mariela welcomed us into her home and taught us so much about local food and culture. Highly recommend this experience.

Jen - luglio 2024

129,00 € per ospite

64,50 € per bambino

Riceverai l'indirizzo esatto dopo aver prenotato.
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Cesarina dal 2023Città: Messina    Lingue: Italiano e Inglese
La mia cucina è legata alla tradizione con una punta di licenza poetica per alcuni cibi , per me troppo forti.  Nata e cresciuta a Messina , in realtà ho appreso da grande la tradizione messinese, perchè i miei genitori erano originari di Gioiosa Marea e di Piraino, province messinesi ma con parecchie diversità nella metodologia. Cerco di unire queste diversità in un gusto, direi, piacevole. Mi piace conoscere e soprattutto vorrei che queste tradizioni non sparissero.
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