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Cesarina dal 2020

Piatto forte: Orecchiette alle cime di rapa

Vivo a: Copertino

Lingue parlate: Italiano, Inglese, Francese, Spagnolo

Buono a sapersi

Offro alternative vegetariane

Ciao da Francesca!

"Per me stare davanti ai fornelli è proprio un piacere, che spesso condivido con i nostri amici. Piacere nel preparare qualcosa di genuino che spesso ci riporta indietro nelle cucine delle nostre nonne, affollate di parenti, soprattutto durante le feste. Il nostro territorio è ricco di prodotti poveri, ma eccezionali, che mi piace servire nel modo più semplice possibile, proprio per esaltarli."

First Mosaic image
Second Mosaic imageThird Mosaic image
Le mie specialità
  •  Pettole
  •  Orecchiette alle cime di rapa
  •  Carne 'a pignata'
16 recensioni
Cara Francesca, du hast uns gezeigt wie man richtige Pasta herstellt, vielen herzlichen Dank. Deine interessanten und wertvollen Tipps, werden wir brauchen, wenn wir zu Hause selber Orecchiette herstellen. Unser Besuch wird staunen über die schönen Teigwaren, die Laura und Werner machen! Dann sagen wir: das haben wir bei Francesca gelernt - in Italien, dort wo die besten Teigwaren herkommen. Danke liebe Francesca, wir schicken dir ein Foto, wenn wir die ersten Orecchiette machen🤗. Dir und deiner Familie alles Gute. Cari saluti, Laura e Werner

Werner e Laura - ottobre 2024

Francesca and her family were very welcoming. We had a wonderful experience learning how to prepare the typical reagional pasta. Thank you!

Victoria - ottobre 2024

Such a great experience! Francesca was an amazing teacher, I was able to participate fully in this hands on class! I really appreciated how patient she was with my poor cooking skills and how much she helped me improve! The orrechiette, foccacia and dessert we cooked together were simply delicious, I only hope I have as much success at home! I would highly recommend booking a class with Francesca-she’s the best!

Amy Burtenshaw - settembre 2024

Such a great family that Francesca has, very welcoming and knew how to have a laugh. The food was amazing and there was so much of it! The private class is a bonus !

Gabrielle & Lucas  - luglio 2024

Francesca‘s cooking class was absolutely fantastic. A group of five of us attended and we were made to feel right at home. Francesca‘s daughters helping also made the experience so homely. Can’t wait to knock up a batch of homemade pasta when we get home. It was a very relaxing experience. Thank you once again, Francesca.

Paola - giugno 2024

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