Corsi di cucina

Il menù italiano: ravioli, tagliatelle e tiramisù

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La Spezia

Durata 3h

Max 6 ospiti

Lingue parlate: Italiano, Inglese, Francese

Corso di cucina per Pasta Lovers seguito da una degustazione delle ricette preparate durante la lezione

Esperienza privata
La tua esperienza
  • Torta di riso dolce
  • Tagliatelle al pesto
  • Ravioli con ricotta, bietole e borragine

Sarò lieta di ospitarvi nella mia casa e proporvi un pranzo o una cena con le ricette che prepareremo insieme durante questo corso di cucina.

Passo dopo passo impareremo a fare le tagliatelle e i ravioli apprendendo tutti i segreti per renderli perfetti.

Per concludere allieteremo i sensi con il dolce più goloso della tradizione italiana: sua maestà il tiramisù.

22 recensioni
Paola was wonderful. Very kind and welcoming. She made us feel comfortable. The pasta making was fun and the end result was absolutely delicious.

Aldo - luglio 2024

Our Italian cooking class with Paulo (and her husband Massimo) was the high point of our entire visit to Italy. Paola was an amazing chef, and patiently worked with us to make fresh pasta (Tagliatele) and several other traditional dishes, which were absolutely delicious. She and her husband, Massimo, were kind, gracious, generous. welcoming hosts. After cooking, we loved just hanging out and spending time with them, and we learned so much about Italy, Italian culture, and lifestyle. Their english is very good, and certainly much better than my Italian. We were able to see how they lived life in a home setting. It was the most memorable part of our entire trip. Highly recommend!!!

Gregory Kim - giugno 2024

Paola was an absolutely wonderful instructor and gracious host. She was so kind to open up her home to us for a few hours as we learned how to make delicious pasta and tiramisu. Their home is lovely and has a gorgeous view of the town, so that was the cherry on top! This was the highlight of our visit to Italy. We felt we had a very genuine experience that allowed us to truly feel connected to the culture. We are so grateful to have booked this class and 100% would recommend this to anyone seeking a unique, personalized activity to include in their family trips.

Coates family (Emily, Brandi, John) - maggio 2024

Thank you Paola for a wonderful time! We enjoyed making pasta and tiramisu. It was so delicious and fun! Thank you for sharing your homemade sauce and drinks! Your hospitality and warm personality made for a wonderful day. I would love to have the recipes we used if you could email them to me. Many thanks and blessings to you and your family! Steven and Stacey Masters

Steven Masters - maggio 2024

A highlight of our trip to Italy. We already purchased the tool to edge our ravioli because we feel ready to make it at home. You also learn to make Tagliatelle, Tiramisu, and the freshest pesto you will ever taste. Local wine , limoncello…it was all perfect. Paola is a perfect host and patient teacher. Such a great experience visiting their home. Definitely schedule this activity. Learning how to make so many things with an expert Italian chef is truly awesome. She also make sure to adjust the tiramisu for our gluten free son and made corn pasta so he could try the pesto. Perfect morning!

Family with Gluten Free and Regular Pasta Eaters  - marzo 2024

135,00 € per ospite

68,00 € per bambino

Riceverai l'indirizzo esatto dopo aver prenotato.
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Cesarina dal 2018Città: La Spezia    Lingue: Italiano, Inglese, Francese
San Venerio, piccolo borgo sulle colline di La Spezia, situato in una posizione splendida per il clima e per il panorama che sconfina sul golfo e sulle isole dell’arcipelago toscano. In questo angolo di paradiso gustiamo le prelibatezze preparate da Paola, la nostra Cesarina, dal sapore tipicamente ligure. La cucina ligure ha una tradizione molto antica che rispecchia le peculiari caratteristiche del suo territorio. Lo stretto contatto con il mare e le montagne crea un perfetto connubio di piatti di terra e di pietanze a base di pesce. È cio che possiamo trovare alla tavola di Paola: un repertorio gastronomico molto variegato, dove a variare non è solo la provenienza delle materie prime, ma anche la tradizione dalla quale i piatti derivano.  
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