Corsi di cucina

Lezione di cucina: gnocchi e sugo tradizionale salernitano

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Durata 2h

Max 4 ospiti

Lingue parlate: Italiano, Inglese, Spagnolo

Corso di cucina: imparerai a realizzare un piatto tipico della tradizione con una degustazione della ricetta preparata durante il corso accompagnata da un calice di vino.

Esperienza condivisa
La tua esperienza

    Vuoi imparare a fare gli gnocchi e preparare un sugo tradizionale salernitano in una sola lezione? Casa mia è il posto giusto per te. Nella mia cucina realizzeremo facilmente dei cavatelli, gnocchi senza patate, semplici, veloci e super versatili. Li condiremo con un profumatissimo sugo di pomodoro ed erbe aromatiche, arricchito con formaggio fresco o stagionato. Decideremo insieme se gustare la nostra pasta in giardino o in casa, proprio come tra amici.



    Totale: 76,00 €

    76,00 € per ospite

    38,00 € per bambino

    1 recensione
    My husband and I have been talking about doing some sort of local dining experience or cooking class for a while, but this was the first time following through and WOW! Emilia and Gianluca showed us the best of times with great conversation and an amazing meal in their beautiful home. They were very personable, spoke great English, and obviously put in a lot of effort to be great hosts for us. After our first casual appetizers and wine on their beautiful outdoor patio table, they gave us a tour of their property and gardens. They had an extensive assortment of fruits and vegetables and an obvious passion and skill for gardening. They allowed us to pick and snack on various items throughout - Tasty! Emilia had prepared a full assortment of fresh food directly from her garden (or cheeses from a local dairy farm right down the road) and together with my wife prepared a DELICIOUS meal that was very filling and satisfying. Throughout the meal preparation and dining experience, they shared family cooking traditions and lots of information about the local and greater Italian areas. Dessert, coffee, and limoncello were the final cherry on top of the amazing dining experience. Overall, this was an experience that we will never forget. And one that we certainly do not regret - worth every penny! We couldn't of asked for a better evening with better company! Thank you Emilia and Gianluca for putting in the effort to show us a great time!

    Haley Liddell - settembre 2023

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    Cesarina dal 2022Città: Salerno    Lingue: Italiano, Inglese, Spagnolo
    La mia cucina nasce dalla tradizione contadina campana che sposa da sempre la scelta vegetariana e vegana. I miei piatti sono fatti di prodotti stagionali e tradizione familiare; gusto, allegria ed esperienze semplici.
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