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Emanuela e Carlo

Cesarina dal 2018

Piatto forte: Crostini di fegatini di pollo con capperi, salvia, limone e aceto

Vivo a: Roma

Lingue parlate: Italiano, Inglese, Spagnolo

Buono a sapersi

Offro alternative vegetariane

Ciao da Emanuela e Carlo!

Emanuela e Carlo vivono nei pressi di Monte Sacro, storica collina di Roma che si erge a fianco del fiume Aniene. Originariamente chiamata la città-giardino, questa zona conserva tradizioni autenticamente romane, le stesse che custodiscono i Cesarini Emanuela e Carlo. “Per dare un tocco speciale a un semplice sugo al pomodoro, basta aggiungere un chiodo di garofano …” questo è solo uno dei tanti segreti che Carlo ha imparato da sua nonna, una domenica di tanti anni fa; è su questi saperi che i Cesarini hanno costruito le loro proposte culinarie: per riscoprire sapori perduti e far rivivere le ricette romane dei giorni di festa.

First Mosaic image
Second Mosaic imageThird Mosaic image
Le mie specialità
  •  Vino bianco alla salvia
  •  Crostini di fegatini di pollo con capperi, salvia, limone e aceto
  •  Quadrucci con le cicerchie al pomodoro
4 recensioni
What an experience!! Ema and Carlo were outstanding host for our dinner experience. We can’t express how much hospitality we received from the moment we walked in their beautiful home till the unsuspected ride with Ema to the train station when we could not hail a cab at the end of our evening. The special evening is quite hard to put into words, but if you were there, cooking and exquisite food they prepared was “Ma ma Mia”…From the culture, to the cuisine particular to the region, fresh ingredients, homemade with love. We enjoyed everything from wine served, local olives as an icebreaker, a beautiful pork cheek bacon bruschetta for our antipasto, to homemade gnocchi which we lend a hand to make as well, which was excellent with the sauce prepared, to our chicken and bell peppers main which is a local staple all sopped up with bread. And when we were stuffed to the gills, dessert of the night was a homemade cousin of the Tiramisu “if you will” made with a type of liquor…excellent!! If I missed anything, please forgive me, we had such a blast with eating and conversation. We can’t thank you both Ema and Carlo enough for an amazing experience and even better friendship. Thanks again and be we’ll friends!!

Krystle & Tait Panoke - agosto 2024

I spent the evening with Carlo & his wife. They taught me four classic dishes of the region. These dishes are not easy to make, they made sure I understood the science of how to get the sauces just right. They were very patient & took time to really help me understand. I am so happy with class and would highly recommend them.

Pamela - agosto 2022

This was a home of a couple in the suburbs of Rome on New Year's Eve. They invited 7 of their friends to join in the New Year's Celebration. Everyone brought one or more of their favorite dishes, and our hosts prepared special dishes. The evening flew by, and before we know it, it was 1:30 AM and we had to go back to our Rome apartment. I would highly recommend the experience. Emanuela and Carlo were gracious hosts, and all their friends enhanced the pleasure of the evening.

phellerjr - gennaio 2020

What an incredible organization. The meals we enjoyed at our Cesarines’ homes in Rome were superior to even Michelin starred restaurants we dined at during our trip. We enjoyed one of the best meals of our lives at Emanuela and Carlo’s place, as well as a divine lunch and enlightening conversation at Claudia’s. Although we understandably felt a bit awkward at the beginning of our visits, midway through meals we were conversing and enjoying eachother’s company like one big family. I know of no other way one can get such a deep connection to the Italian culture and culinary heritage as this. Le Cesarine is the reason I will be returing to Italy, as there is no other organization that offers such authentic and unforgettable experiences. I wish other countries had their own versions of Le Cesarine; Italy is so lucky to have them.

Ross MacNeil - gennaio 2018

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