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Cesarina dal 2020

Piatto forte: Tonnarelli fatti in casa cacio e pepe (o gricia)

Vivo a: Roma

Lingue parlate: Inglese e Italiano

Buono a sapersi

Offro alternative vegetariane

Ciao da Cristina!

Cristina accoglie i suoi ospiti in una villa immersa nel verde con ampi spazi esterni e ampie vetrate, dove poter ammirare il giardino e gli ulivi secolari. Un piccolo angolo di paradiso non lontano dal centro della Città Eterna. "Fin dalla mia tenera età ho sempre guardato con ammirazione l'amore con cui mia nonna, di origini pugliesi, lavorava per ore in cucina. Ricordo ancora le sue mani e i suoi grembiuli spesso sporchi di farina e l'aroma di 'cose buone e genuine' che si propagava per tutta la casa e mi avvolgeva in una piacevole sensazione di benessere."

First Mosaic image
Second Mosaic imageThird Mosaic image
Le mie specialità
  •  Tagliere di salumi e formaggi con bruschette
  •  Tonnarelli fatti in casa cacio e pepe (o gricia)
  •  Gnocchi fatti in casa alla amatriciana (o pomodoro e basilico)
73 recensioni
The Pizza and gelato cooking class with Cristina was fabulous, fun, and delicious! It was a highlight for our family. Thanks so much

Bachi Anthony - giugno 2024

Cristina was a great teacher. The class and the meal were fantastic. The space was beautiful. Definitely recommend.

Peter - giugno 2024

We did the Four Roman Pastas masterclass with Cristina and it was great! It took a while to get out to her beautiful home (about an hour and 2 buses from our hotel in Piazza Venezia), but it was so worth it! Her garden was absolutely beautiful and an idyllic place to enjoy our four (count ‘em, four) plates of pasta. Definitely come with an empty stomach because it was a lot of food! We started by making two types of fresh pasta, then we started on the sauces. Starting with the base of cacio e pepe to learn the fundamentals, we then moved on to pasta alla gricia (cacio e pepe + guanciale), then carbonara (gricia + egg), and finally amatriciana (gricia + tomato). We watched her do the first two, taking lots of notes, then we got to take the reins on our own - having a private lesson meant we were really able to ask questions and learned a lot. She also followed up with recipes on WhatsApp after the class and we’re excited to try them all when we get home!

Jane - giugno 2024

A very nice cook and a beautiful location to learn more about roman pasta. We hope to have the possibility to come back.

Wessi - aprile 2024

Perfect an professional presentation, nice welcome, perfect outcome and a good motivation to make pasta by ourselfes in the future

Wolfgang - aprile 2024

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