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Cesarina dal 2023

Vivo a: Sorrento

Lingue parlate: Italiano e Inglese

Buono a sapersi

Offro alternative vegetariane

Ciao da Ivan!

Il Casale Guarracino situato sulle verdi colline della Penisola Sorrentina con una vista mozzafiato sul Golfo di Napoli, è nato dalla nostra fortissima volontà di intraprendere un percorso di riscoperta della tradizione culinaria Sorrentina, e di mettere a disposizione dei nostri ospiti il nostro radicato senso di accoglienza e ospitalità. proponiamo diversi menu stilati in base ai prodotti del territorio. i nostri piatti preferiti sono pasta fresca, ravioli o gnocchi, pizza e dessert in particolare il tiramisù.

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4 recensioni
The cooking experience with Ivan in Sorrento was outstanding!

Helen - giugno 2024

This was the most amazing cooking class and experience that we had in Sorrento! Ivan and his wife were so kind and welcoming, and we learned how to make the best ravioli and tiramisu I have ever had! I would highly recommend this cooking class to anyone!!

Maddie - giugno 2024

Our experience with Ivan and his class exceeded our hopes. The majestic views, personal interaction, quality of ingredients and excellent instruction was perfect. Our classmates were incredibly cool, and Ivan's facility is top notch. Highly, highly recommended.

Kevin J - maggio 2024

This was a fabulous experience. Our hosts Ivan and Rosaria were wonderful. This was our first time making pasta from scratch. Ivan was a great teacher. We highly recommend his cooking class.

Ray & Mary - maggio 2024

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