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Rocco e Carla

Cesarina dal 2016

Piatto forte: Pasta alla Prajanese: Pasta fatta a mano con totani freschi

Vivo a: Praiano

Lingue parlate: Italiano e Inglese

Buono a sapersi

Offro alternative vegetariane

Ciao da Rocco e Carla!

Siamo a Praiano, un paesino incantato nel cuore della Costiera Amalfitana, luogo perfetto per dar vita a piatti che racchiudono freschezza, tradizione e genuinità.Qui ci accolgono Carla e Rocco, i nostri Cesarini, che fin da piccoli, hanno toccato con mano quello che è il mondo della cucina, delle tradizioni e delle serate seduti intorno ad un tavolo. La cucina per loro non è mai stata una passione, ma uno stile di vita. Le loro reciproche esperienze, nel mondo della ristorazione, hanno dato vita al loro progetto: unire passione gastronomica, tradizioni e cibi genuini cucinati con i prodotti del loro orto e provenienti dai momenti di pesca. “Seguire le ricette di famiglia e tramandarle ai nostri ospiti è il nostro obbiettivo!"

First Mosaic image
Second Mosaic imageThird Mosaic image
Le mie specialità
  •  Melanzane a Scarpone: Melanzane ripiene con prodotti locali
  •  Pasta alla Prajanese: Pasta fatta a mano con totani freschi
  •  Ndunderi alla Minorese: Con pomodorini, rucola e provolone
39 recensioni
This cooking experience was truly incredible, authentic, and something not to miss out on! We had vegan requirements and Rocco and his wife did amazing to accommodate. We learnt how to make all different shapes of pasta, and cooked two based on which we liked. They gave us an amazing homemade bread aperitif on the house and welcome drinks as well. 5 stars is not enough!!!! Make sure to go.

Danielle Haddad - luglio 2024

Absolutely fantastic experience! Rocco and Carla were brilliant hosts, they made us feel really welcome and the cooking experience was great. If you’re thinking of doing a cooking class then this is the one you need to go to!

Ethan & Amela - luglio 2024

Very relaxed and private (we were only with 4 in total) cooking class. In their garden, high up in the mountain of Praiano, with views overlooking the sea and coast, we had an amazing cooking class. We felt very welcome and comfortable. We learned to make stuffed eggplant, pasta and tiramisu. We had a lot of fun! Since we are Muslim, we could not have any wine in the dishes/dessert and no meat/chicken, but they made sure that they could meet our wishes. Very happy that we choose this cooking class, instead of the other ones on the Amalfi coast, that host very big groups and involve a lot of music and drinking. So if you are looking for a more relaxed, serene and private cooking class: this is were you need to be!

Jasmine - luglio 2024

Such an intimate experience, they truly care about the identity of southern Italy. They are not a mass produced cooking class and take pride in being organic and local. My wife and I had so much fun learning about the pasta and how to properly prepare the dishes.

Taylor - luglio 2024

Carla and Rocco are amazing hosts. My girlfriend and I had such a fun time with them for their cooking class. All the food and wine is grown by them in their gardens and everything was delicious. We learned how to make all types of pasta and would definitely come back. They were also very accommodating to our dietary restrictions. Would recommend them to any future travelers.

Ben - luglio 2024

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