Image Profile

Barbara e Fiona

Cesarina dal 2023

Lingue parlate: Italiano e Inglese

Buono a sapersi

Offro alternative vegetariane

Ciao da Barbara e Fiona!

La nostra è una cucina semplice, tipica della tradizione napoletana, fatta principalmente con il raccolto delle verdure di stagione dal nostro orto. Ci divertiamo a fare la pasta fresca e qualche volta anche a sperimentare qualche nuova combinazione !

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3 recensioni
Our cooking class with Barbara was truly extraordinary! If we could give her 100 stars we would. We made beautiful and delicious pasta in her beautiful home. After, she showed us her beautiful garden and dropped us off at our apartment. It was the highlight of our vacation to Southern Italy.

Jack and Janet - settembre 2023

We loved having lunch with Barbara and her family. It was such an awesome experience to see her cooking and a part of her life. Would definitely recommend for anyone looking for great company and a taste of real Italian life.

Olga - settembre 2023

Highly recommend this authentic experience. We went for a pasta making course (myself and my two children) and we had a lovely afternoon. Barbara is charming and we enjoyed learning how to make ravioli in her beautiful home and meeting her family. Kids loved it, would definitely recommend.

Angela - agosto 2023

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