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Cesarina dal 2023

Piatto forte: Dolci che passione!

Lingue parlate: Italiano, Inglese, Francese, Spagnolo

Buono a sapersi

Offro alternative vegetariane

Ciao da Clara!

Sono Clara, originaria di Parigi ma cresciuta in una famiglia campana. Ho trascorso la mia infanzia a Sorrento fino a quando ho compiuto 18 anni, dopodiché ho iniziato a viaggiare per lavoro in giro per il mondo. Sin da subito, ho sviluppato un profondo interesse per la cucina internazionale e multietnica. Durante la mia esperienza lavorativa come responsabile dell'ospitalità su navi da crociera a 4 stelle, ho avuto l'opportunità di imparare sul campo a gestire grandi cucine di hotel galleggianti. È proprio in quel contesto che è nata la mia passione per la pasticceria, motivo per cui ho approfondito i miei studi frequentando corsi specializzati presso la Compait e partecipando a vari corsi dedicati ai lievitati. Sono appassionata di condividere ciò che per me è sempre stato una grande passione. Le mie competenze distintive includono la preparazione di dolci, lievitati di alta qualità e pasticceria di base, nonché la realizzazione dei tradizionali dolci della mia regione, come la Pastiera, le Sfogliatelle e altre prelibatezze. Inoltre, adoro creare la pizza e la pasta fresca con grande dedizione.

First Mosaic image
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Le mie specialità
  •  Dolci che passione!
9 recensioni
Amazing!!! Best night ever with Clara and her family - food was incredible, so fresh and tasty! We left very full and happy at the amazing experience. Would love to do it again! Thank you Clara / highly recommend!

Michelle D - luglio 2024

We had such a beautiful authentic Italian dinner with Clara and her lovely family. Such a special dinner - the food was delicious and we left very full! We very much enjoyed learning more about life in Italy. Such a memorable evening! Highly recommend and hope to do again one day

Michelle D - luglio 2024

We had the most wonderful time baking Napoletan pastries with Clara! She is a very good teacher, and we learned so much. She was patient when we were a little late, and was very hospitable in welcoming us to her wonderful home. The pastries tasted so delicious. We are so happy we took the class, and highly recommend it to everyone. We hope to make the same pastries for friends and family back home. Grazie, Clara!

Darin - febbraio 2024

We had a great time with Clara, and the bakes came out great. We would recommend the experience!

Daniela - gennaio 2024

We were not sure what to expect from this experience, but Clara exceeded beyond what we could imagine! We learned so much and she was so helpful. She welcomed us into her home and treated us like family. The recipes were simple and delicious. The food we made was our favorite meal while here in Italy. It was very nice having conversation and learning about Italian and Sorrento culture. Would definitely recommend. We had an amazing time!

Adelina - ottobre 2023

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