Corsi di cucina

Corso di cucina sulle tagliatelle e tiramisù

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Durata 2h

Max 8 ospiti

Lingue parlate: Italiano e Inglese

Corso di cucina: impara a cucinare una ricetta italiana e gusta un menù da 2 portate - una di queste l'avrai preparata tu!

Esperienza condivisa
La tua esperienza

    Partecipa al nostro corso di cucina e immergiti nell'autentica tradizione culinaria italiana. Imparerai a preparare tagliatelle fresche a mano e a creare il classico dessert italiano, il tiramisù. La lezione si conclude con la degustazione di un bicchiere di vino pregiato, selezionato per accompagnare e valorizzare i sapori dei tuoi piatti. Un'esperienza deliziosa che unisce sapore e convivialità.

    105 recensioni
    The cooking class was one of my most anticipated planned experiences for our trip to Italy and Sandra and her knowledge of cooking, her lovely home, her openness in sharing her recipes, bay leaves, family photos, and homegrown sauce and limoncello went beyond my expectations. To say that I was thrilled, to say that I smiled the entire time, to say that I loved everything about the class, to say that her sourdough bread is amazing are all understatements. I can't recommend Sandra and her class enough.

    Rona  - settembre 2024

    Sandra was extremely hospitable and nice!! She was trying to make sure everyone in the family is enjoying the experience. And she has the best tomato sauce we have ever tried!! It was a very delicious and fun way to spend our time in Milan. HIGHLY RECOMMEND!! And thank you Sandra🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼

    Raghad Alkhudhair - luglio 2024

    This was one of the most fun experiences we had in Milan! Sandra was so warm and welcoming, and she was a pleasure to talk to and learn from. My group loved everything we made, and Sandra even made aperitivo for us and let us try her delicious homemade limoncello. We learned so much from Sandra and she also gave us so many different recommendations on where to go in the city. I would 100% book this again!

    Lydia - giugno 2024

    Sandra welcomed our family with open arms into her beautiful home!She is very passionate and knowledgeable about cooking. She made me and my children feel at home. She went out of her way and made delicious appetizers and not only an incredible bottle of wine but opened up her homemade lemon cello that we enjoyed at dinner. My children said it was the best thing we did in Milan and they will remember it forever! We can’t wait to go home and make homemade pasta! Many thanks to Sandra!❤️

    Tammy - giugno 2024

    It was such a great experience!She was so welcoming and accommodating to my kids who were picky eaters and literally the best tiramisu we ever had! Thank you for such a wonderful experience

    Jaclyn  - giugno 2024

    129,00 € per ospite

    64,50 € per bambino

    Riceverai l'indirizzo esatto dopo aver prenotato.
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    Cesarina dal 2022Città: Milano    Lingue: Italiano e Inglese
    "Sono un'altamurana trasferita a Milano. Mi diletto a preparare di tutto, dalla pasta al pane ai biscotti, spaziando nelle mie ricette tra piatti a base di carne, pesce, legumi e verdure. Mi diverto a sperimentare continuamente nuovi piatti e sono curiosa di ogni cucina del mondo. Conservo il mio lievito madre da diversi anni. Prediligo materie prime a km 0, di coltivatori del lodigiano. Sono una persona empatica e solare; mi piace avere persone in casa e avere cura di esse a tavola. Appasionata di design d'interni, sono molto attenta alla cura della mia casa perché mi piace che i miei ospiti abbiano un piacere visivo oltre a quello gustativo."
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