Corsi di cucina

Corso di pesto con mortaio in vigna vicino La Spezia

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Riccò del Golfo di Spezia

Durata 2h 30m

Max 18 ospiti

Lingue parlate: Italiano e Inglese

Corso di cucina: impara a cucinare le ricette della tradizione italiana con una Cesarina locale

Esperienza condivisa
La tua esperienza

    Scopri l’arte del pesto genovese con mortaio, seguendo l’antica tradizione ligure in un ambiente unico e suggestivo. In questa esperienza esclusiva, pensata per te e il tuo gruppo, trasformerai ingredienti freschi in un capolavoro di gusto, mentre sorseggi il nostro vino Linfa di Apua, perfetto per esaltare i sapori autentici della Liguria. Il corso si svolge presso Podere Ferrari, nell’atmosfera calda e accogliente del nostro antico fienile con vista sui vigneti. Se il tempo lo permette, potrai impastare e pestare all’aperto, circondato dai profumi della natura e dal fascino delle vigne. Vivrai un’esperienza immersiva che culminerà in un momento magico: mentre il sole si tuffa dietro i filari, assaporerai il tuo pesto fatto in casa, accompagnato da specialità locali.


    Totale: 92,00 €

    92,00 € 
    per ospite

    46,00 € per bambino

    7 recensioni
    This was the highlight of our entire European vacation. My Wife and I had the pleasure of spending 5 hours or so with Max. We arrived to this beautiful setting overlooking a small Italian village amongst the vines on property. Max set out some Mellon and offered us some wine to drink while we walked through the vineyard while he began to prep for our meal by rolling out some pasta. The setting was phenomenal but Max was truly the star. He made us pretty much whatever asked. We picked his brain about pasta making and he shared his passion for pasta making with us. We had two pasta courses and more than a few glasses of wine. It was an experience I’ll never forget for the rest of my life. It was simple, straightforward and couldn’t have been more perfect. I can’t recommend this experience enough to anyone who is considering it. I promise you it will vastly exceed your expectations.

    Andrew - luglio 2023

    As someone who has never cooked pasta from scratch before, I went in expecting to be lost and basically along for the ride, but Massimo was a wonderful teacher who managed to help guide me through each step that I was struggling on. The pasta came out amazing and delicious and I was surprised that we were the ones who made it in the end. The venue was beautiful and it was obvious that a lot of work as gone into it as well. I’m also not much of a wine guy but the wine from their vineyard was fantastic. Would definitely go again and cannot recommend it enough.

    Sam - luglio 2023

    I have been returning to the Cinque Terre area for many years and Sarah and Massimo’s cooking class “experience” at Podere Ferrari is hands down the most enjoyable evening I have spent in Liguria. Sarah has transformed her family villa into a magical space, the decor, the original furniture mixed in with modern conveniences, the vineyards, the amazing history were all so fascinating. Massimo is a creative and talented chef and teacher who kept us engaged and entertained while passing on truly valuable cooking secrets. Would encourage anyone visiting this area to spend an evening with Sarah and Massimo. Did I mention their fantastic local wine?!? Not to be missed, especially if you are looking for a “locals” experience.

    Lisa Meares - giugno 2023

    We had such an amazing experience!! Greeted with lovely food and wine, it started out the night perfectly! Sarah and Max were so kind and patient! The location was phenomenal! Truly it made you want to pack up and move to Italy! We are not particularly good with cooking but Max helped foster an environment of learning and grace! Luckily he is amazing at cooking and turned our rough and ready pasta into delicious dishes! Thank you so so much for the warm hospitality!! We will absolutely be back!!!

    Amanda - giugno 2023

    I cannot recommend this experience enough! The property itself is worth a visit, but the class elevates it to a truly unique and special experience that we will cherish forever. The house and the surrounding vineyard are perched on a hill overlooking the mountains, which really makes you feel like you’re getting the traditional Italian cooking experience! The class itself was a blast. Massimo is incredibly knowledgeable and is excited to share his knowledge with the visitors. The food was easily the best meal I have ever had, and it was so fun to be able to make it myself. I can’t wait to come back!

    Ellie Crowley - giugno 2023

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    Cesarina dal 2023Città: Riccò del Golfo di Spezia    Lingue: Italiano e Inglese
    Sono Sarah, vivo da più di 30 anni in Italia anche se sono americana. Ho vissuto 30 anni con una nonna italiana, la mia adorata suocera Silvana, che mi ha trasmesso il suo amore per la cucina ligure. Vorrei condividere i ricordi dei profumi e dei sapori della sua cucina e onorarla preparando le ricette che mi ha insegnato, come il pesto con i croxetti, la torta di riso, le verdure ripiene e la tradizionale zuppa mesciua.  Vi accoglierò a Podere Ferrari, una storica tenuta in stile coloniale alle porte di La Spezia. Circondato dai vigneti e immerso nella natura, il Podere è il luogo ideale per vivere delle esperienze enogastronomiche circondati dal verde. Sarò lieta di accogliervi assieme alla mia famiglia in questo spazio fuori dal tempo.  Vi aspetto nelle meravigliose Cinque Terre, dove potrete gustare le nostre specialità e immergervi nella bellezza della costa ligure! 
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