Corsi di cucina

Esperienza culinaria toscana autentica

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Durata 3h

Max 12 ospiti

Lingue parlate: Italiano, Inglese, Francese

Corso di cucina condiviso con 2 ricette di pasta, tiramisù e aperitivo seguito da una degustazione di piatti preparati durante la lezione.

Esperienza condivisa
La tua esperienza
  • Gnudi al burro e salvia
  • Pasta fresca con la farina di farro
  • Tiramisù o dolce della tradizione locale

Iniziamo questa esperienza con l'aperitivo della mia famiglia a base di frutta, accompagnato da stuzzichini preparati con pane locale, formaggi e salumi di produttori locali.

Per la pasta fresca, esploreremo diverse farine: dalla raffinata farina tipo 00 a quelle con sapori più intensi e caratteristici. Una delle farine che useremo è la farina di farro, tipica della Toscana, nota per il suo sapore robusto, la croccantezza e la cottura rapida. Prepareremo una pasta fresca accompagnata da un gustoso sugo di stagione. Poi gli gnudi, un piatto tradizionale a base di ottima ricotta del pastore, spinaci e aromi vari, con il classico sugo burro e salvia. Per dessert il tiramisù, o un dolce tipico della tradizione. Degustermo i piatti accompagnati da un ottimo prosecco di un produttore locale.


Totale: 149,00 €

149,00 € 
per ospite

74,50 € per bambino

17 recensioni
This experience was wonderful! We were paired with Monica who warmly welcomed us into her home and gave us a night to remember! We started by analyzing the unlimited number of available Italian flour before selecting the base of our pasta. She was patient and strict at the same time - exactly what you'd expect from an Italian teacher. We greatly enjoyed rolling the dough, making the sauces, cutting the pasta, and drinking the wine! Monica and her husband were super entertaining with their local stories and jubilant attitude. I was full for days afterwards. 10/10 would cook again!  

Demian - febbraio 2025

Our afternoon with Monica was wonderful! It was not only authentic and educational but Monica made us feel like family! She took the time to make sure we understood the techniques and we rested with good food, good company and good wine in between! Paolo, Monica’s husband was wonderful as well. He worked hard behind the scene to make this a memorable experience!

Lori - ottobre 2024

It was truly a pleasure spending the day with Monica and her husband. Our group thoroughly enjoyed our pasta making and enjoyed the foods Monica prepared. She was such a delight! I would highly recommend this activity! The only negative I have was that there was no Market tour, which is how it was advertised with "Get Your Guide", but that was no fault of Monica's. She was simply the best!

Diane - ottobre 2023

Monica and her husband were exceptional! They were warm welcoming and so wonderful! They asked what we wanted to make and were good at managing expectations due to time. They were so generous and knowledgeable and kind. It was a truly magical experience for my family. The children loved it! Thank you so much for a special memory and evening!!!

Rimi - luglio 2023

Monica was absolutely incredible! She was patient, a great teacher and full of knowledge on how to cook the Italian way! All 8 of us dearly loved our experience and we all learned so much. This was well worth the money and it was one of our favorite experiences in Italy! We highly, highly recommend this experience.

Margaret Morefield  - giugno 2023

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Cesarina dal 2018Città: Lucca    Lingue: Italiano, Inglese, Francese
"Cucino da sempre, anche per tante tante persone. D'estate mi piace fare la passata di pomodoro, le marmellate, l'olio e il sale aromatizzato. Per le mie ricette utilizzo prodotti a km 0 e bio."
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