Corsi di cucina

Lasagna fatta in casa: la ricetta di mia mamma

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Durata 3h

Max 8 ospiti

Lingue parlate: Italiano e Inglese

Corso di cucina: impara a cucinare le ricette della tradizione italiana con una Cesarina locale

Esperienza condivisa
La tua esperienza

    Le lasagne sono un simbolo di convivialità e tradizione, capaci di riportarmi ai ricordi d’infanzia e alle domeniche in famiglia. In questo corso di cucina le prepareremo da zero: impasteremo la sfoglia fresca, la tireremo con il mattarello e la farciremo con ragù di carne, besciamella e parmigiano. Per i vegetariani, creeremo una variante con pesto fatto in casa. Accompagneremo il tutto con la fett’unta, pane casereccio tostato con aglio e olio extravergine d’oliva toscano. A fine lezione, ci siederemo insieme per gustare i piatti preparati con un buon vino toscano. Un’esperienza autentica per chi ama la cucina italiana e i suoi sapori genuini.

    Totale: 151,00 €

    151,00 € 
    per ospite

    76,00 € per bambino

    44 recensioni
    What a treat! Fabulous night with Sylvie and fellow participants! Sylvie welcomed us into her beautiful home and showed us, expertly, how to make some classic dishes. Fantastic experience and can't recommend Sylvie enough!!

    Veronica & Paul - dicembre 2024

    Sylvia was wonderful. Warm and welcoming into her home. Teaching us her family recipe of gnocchi, tiramisu and explaining the best way to make real ragu. I highly recommend her and this experience in Lucca.

    Liz and Chris  - ottobre 2024

    Silvia was wonderful! She was gracious, warm and welcoming. She was so passionate about Italian food and tradition. Her directions were clear and she allowed everyone an opportunity to participate in preparing food. By the time we sat down to eat what we had made, it felt like a family meal! Molto bene! Grazie mille, Silvia!

    Pam & Mike Newcomer - ottobre 2024

    Silvia was incredible! We made a delicious dinner with our favorite, tiramisu! She was such a good teacher for cooking techniques and so fun to talk to about Lucca and life in general. A beautiful experience!

    Granitto family - settembre 2024

    thankyou Silvia for sharing your passion for cooking and your Mother's recipes with us.  I loved how you shared you amazing knowledge in an easy way to understand, and guided us thru the process. It was great having hands on experience. The food we produced was delicious. I enjoyed sitting with you as we ate what we produced a in your lovely home.I hope to be able to recreate this amazing food when I get home for friends and family. Your cooking class has been a highlight of my trip. I would recommend to anyone interested in your cooking classes. Thanks so much for this amazing experience. Jo Laurenson

    Jo and Robyn Laurenson - settembre 2024

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    Cesarina dal 2022Città: Lucca    Lingue: Italiano e Inglese
    "Amo ospitare e avere cura della tavola, cerco sempre di creare una mise en place con qualche ingrediente che richiami il menù o la stagionalità. Preferisco cucinare piatti di terra, tipici della tradizione toscana, non mi cimento troppo nei dolci... ma solamente per non  mangiarne troppi!"
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