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Durata 2h 30m

Max 14 ospiti

Lingue parlate: Italiano e Inglese

Pranzi e Cene: siediti a tavola e goditi un'autentica esperienza culinaria a casa di una Cesarina locale

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La tua esperienza

    Profumo di mare: un titolo che si adegua perfettamente a ciò che preparerò per i miei ospiti. Come antipasto propongo cozze gratinate al forno o frittelle ai gamberi e selicornia. Come primo pasta fresca fatta in casa (busiate o tagliatelle) con anciova rossa oppure spaghetti cozze e vongole fresche. Come secondo spiedini misti di pesce con contorno di insalata finocchi e cedro o ruota di pesce spada al forno aromatizzato. Come dolce panna cotta con marmellata di arance amare o tiramisù.

    21 recensioni
    Our experience with Pina was nothing short of exceptional. From the moment we stepped into her home, she warmly welcomed us with a genuine smile and a contagious enthusiasm for Italian cuisine. Pina's passion for cooking shone through as she graciously shared her knowledge of traditional Italian dishes, patiently guiding us through each step with meticulous attention to detail. What truly stood out was Pina's dedication to ensuring we not only learned the recipes but also understood the cultural significance behind each dish. Her kitchen became a classroom of flavors and techniques, where every ingredient was a story waiting to be told. Beyond the cooking itself, Pina's hospitality was unparalleled. She went above and beyond to make us feel at home, offering insights into local traditions and recommending hidden gems in her beloved town. By the end of our session, we didn't just leave with full stomachs but with cherished memories and newfound skills. If you have the opportunity to learn from Pina, seize it without hesitation. Her warmth, expertise, and genuine love for sharing Italian culinary heritage make her a gem in the world of cooking experiences. Grazie mille, Pina, for an unforgettable day filled with laughter, learning, and the most delicious food we've ever tasted. We can't wait to recreate your recipes and share them with our friends and family.

    Elycia London - luglio 2024

    imagine you crave the best Italian meal available in Palermo and you cook this meal yourself! only with Pina will you find yourself immersed in the true art of Italian cooking. Pina greets you warmly (as if you were family) and she has the most wonderful home and kitchen. She taught us about Italian food by sharing her expertise. In addition to learning how to make Tiramisu, and homemade pasta, Pina provides extras she made before our visit and which she shared with us. This was an amazing experience with a beautiful woman. We found our cooking lesson with Pina to be one of the highlights of our visit to Palermo. Book your own experience as you will not be disappointed. Thank you Pina for sharing your expertise and your love of Italian cooking.

    LVGIRL09 - maggio 2024

    If there is one thing you must do in Palermo it's to do a cooking class with Pina. It was by far the highlight of our trip.⭐⭐ Pina made us feel like family in her home. We cooked amazing Sicilian dishes with only the freshest ingredients. Pina provided us with beer and wine to drink whilst we cooked and chatted and took photos together. Pina showed us some of her home produce such as aubergine and sun dried tomatoe patê that she makes from scratch. She should bottle and sell the stuff..It was incredible! Sitting down for dinner with Pina was such a lovely and authentic experience. I cannot recommend her enough. She is worth every cent and more. 4 sensational courses, wine and beer, and five star Italian hospitality from the most wonderful host!

    Emma and Goncalo -Ireland and Portugal  - maggio 2024

    I spent a lovely morning cooking with Pina. She and her husband have a beautiful apartment in Palermo, I really felt like I was in Sicily. We made frittata, pasta busiate and sauce, and tiramisu. Pina served a fantastic artichoke pate and wine, of course, as we cooked. I’m embarrassed to admit that even though I am half Italian I had never made fresh pasta before. Pina taught me well because everything was delicious.

    Stacie - marzo 2024

    Pina welcomed us to her elegantly appointed apartment with a sweeping view of the mountains and sea for what turned out to be one of the best culinary experiences we had in Palermo, or anywhere for that matter. There is nothing more special than making food in someone's own kitchen, and Pina worked with us as we prepared gnocchi and a regional pasta, as well as sauces using fresh local ingredients. What we learned from her was something you can never get from a book, or from watching a video. We learned to feel the dough and know when the texture is just right. Pina revealed traditional pasta making secrets to us, saying "This is how my mother did it!". The time went by so quickly as we worked and talked, getting to know all about her and about Sicilian food. She had snacks and lovely wine for us as we kneaded and chopped and breathed in the aromas of garlic and tomatoes and basil. The afternoon culminated in her graciously serving us the feast we had prepared together on her lush balcony. We left, full and satisfied, with hugs and smiles and the recipes and notes to take back home. We are not Italian, but we have been given the special gift of Pina's culinary instruction as to how a true Italian cooks. We will carry the traditions and techniques back with us, and are already planning to recreate what we tasted. We will say to our friends and family who come to eat, "This is how Pina did it!" I cannot recommend any cooking experience I have had more highly than this. Sharing food and culture in someone's home is what life is about. Cook and eat with Pina and discover for yourself!

    Paula  - marzo 2024

    95,00 € per ospite

    47,50 € per bambino

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    Cesarina dal 2022Città: Palermo    Lingue: Italiano e Inglese
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