Esperienze gastronomiche

La mia cucina del territorio!

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Image Profile

Francesca Maria


Durata 1h 30m

Max 10 ospiti

Lingue parlate: Italiano e Inglese

Menù tradizionale: antipasto, primo pasta fresca e dolce

Esperienza privata
La tua esperienza
  • Ravioli ripieni di ricotta con pesto alla trapanese
  • Involtini di sarde alla beccafico e arancia
  • Gelatina di arancia o anguria

Menù tipico a 3 portate composto da antipasto, un primo pasta fresca e un dessert e vino incluso per clienti Italiani

27 recensioni
This was a fantastic experience. Francesca hosted us in a very well appointed private kitchen and showed great skill in handling our group ranging from very experienced cooks to pure novice (me!). She was kind, thoughtful and responsive to all of our questions while walking us through making an incredible meal. I can’t recommend this enough.

Mark Fiorello - maggio 2024

Fun! Francesca is a lot of fun and a great teacher! Can’t wait to try our new recipes on family and friends when we get back to California! Gracie, Francesca!

Cindy and Joe Delumen - maggio 2024

Wonderful food, welcoming atmosphere, beautiful setting! Come see Francesca and mangia bene! Bellissima!

Carrie Bailey - maggio 2024

We had a wonderful experience with Francesca in Bagheria! We made caponata, gnocchi and almond biscuits. The food was absolutely to die for, although the caponata was a personal favorite. Francesca was a very good teacher. You can tell she has excellent food knowledge. She is very welcoming and has a great sense of humor. We came with our three year old son and she was very sweet and patient with him as well. Her kitchen is the perfect set up and a great place to host classes. We even got to use basil and lemons from her own garden. Thanks Francesca!

Hayley  - maggio 2024

We decided before our trip to Palermo that we wanted to experience a Sicilian cookery class. I looked online at a few but Francesca's really stood out as traditional, homely, fun and welcoming. She didn't disappoint. We made fresh pasta together, she showed us around her garden and we ate. The pasta was delicious. She showed us how to cook with simple ingredients and make a couple of traditional Sicilian pasta dishes, we will definitely be making at home! Without doubt, this was the highlight of our holiday, and when we return to Palermo again, we will return to make different dishes. Grazie mille!!

Hannah & Nathan - aprile 2024

65,00 € per ospite

50,00 € per bambino

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Image Profile
Francesca Maria
Cesarina dal 2021Città: Palermo    Lingue: Italiano e Inglese
Francesca vive a Bagheria, la 'città delle ville', una terra baciata dal sole e dalla brezza del mare. La nostra Cesarina porta in tavola le ricette siciliane, ricche di contrasti, dove il dolce è abbinato al salato, si usa molto l'agrodolce e la frutta secca è perfetta sulla carne, il pesce e verdure. "Tutto questo è il frutto delle culture che sono passate nella nostra terra. La mia cucina è legata alle tradizioni sia della mia zona, che della mia famiglia. Utilizzo solo prodotti del territorio e spero di poter trasmettere ai miei ospiti tutta la passione e l'amore che metto quando cucino."
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