Corsi di cucina

Sicilia in tavola: piatti tipici e tiramisù

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Durata 3h

Max 8 ospiti

Lingue parlate: Italiano e Inglese

Corso di cucina: impara a cucinare le ricette della tradizione e gusta i piatti preparati durante il corso

Esperienza condivisa
La tua esperienza
  • Insalata della nonna
  • Tagliatelle al pesto di mandorla e basilico
  • Tiramisù

Adoro dare un tocco di modernità ai piatti tradizionali, esaltando i profumi e i sapori della nostra terra. Vi guiderò nella preparazione di tre piatti tipici con un twist gourmet. L’insalata della nonna, un classico catanese, diventa raffinata con ingredienti di qualità come i datterini, l’origano "scopazza", la ricotta salata morbida e l’olio e.v.o. nocellara dell’Etna. La pasta al pesto di mandorla, una ricetta tradizionale catanese, viene arricchita con nuovi aromi, come la scorza di limone. Infine, il tiramisù, già amato in tutta Italia, si trasforma in un dolce siciliano con l’aggiunta del vino Marsala. Inizieremo con vari assaggi della tradizione siciliana per un’esperienza completa.

4 recensioni
We had an amazing experience with Maurizio and his cousin. They made it so special with appetizers and wine, but also with their expertise and hilarious bantering. We made so much food and have lots of leftovers, it will feed us for days!! Overall, cooking with Maurizio will be something that we take back with us to our kitchen in Germany. Thank you so much!

Lillie and Julian - settembre 2024

Mr. Maurizio was great. As soon as we signed up for a food tasting. He contacted me to know what my food dislikes were. He stayed in contact until we entered Catania, Italy. He contacted me to set up a time and location according to where our hotel was located. On the food tour, Mr. Maurizio met with us and we walked around the center of Catania, giving us a tour of the city. He was very knowledgeable of the center and the monument's. We also tasted wine on our walking tour. We tried food and desserts that we would not have ever tried. They were good. We enjoyed Mr. Maurizio. He is very nice, respectful and professional. He also gave us suggestions on some tours to take and we did. Thank you Mr. Maurizio for everything. You made our food tour an experience to remember. Janice H.

Janice H. - giugno 2024

Our evening with Maurizio and his charming sister exceeded our expectations.From the appetizers through dessert, all of the dishes were incredible. We enjoyed learning to make pasta, tiramisu and pork cutlets under the supervision of this entertaining brother and sister team. To top off the evening, Mauricio treated us by sharing his musical talent, playing our favorite Billy Joel hits on the piano. Our evening hosted by Maurizio will definitely be remembered as a highlight of our time in Catania.

Kinley Family - maggio 2024

I highly recommend doing this, it was so much fun. When we arrived at Chef Maurizio’s house there was a table full of antipasto and refreshments waiting for us. Did not take long for Chef Maurizio and his lovely sister to put us to work making the pasta. That’s when the fun started, there were eggshells in the dough and they started bickering, like siblings do, on who was at fault, this was so funny. I over soaked the lady finger for the tiramisu on purpose so I could get in on the bickering :) It really felt like I was at home cooking with my family. They had us laughing, slicing, dicing and drinking throughout the day. Everybody participated in the cooking and laughing. So be prepared to work and eat. But the memories will remain forever!

Antoine - maggio 2024

135,00 € per ospite

68,00 € per bambino

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Cesarina dal 2023Città: Catania    Lingue: Italiano e Inglese
La mia specializzazione principale riguarda i primi piatti, ma non sottovaluto l'importanza delle vellutate e dei secondi di carne e pesce. Le mie creazioni culinarie si ispirano alle ricette tradizionali siciliane e calabresi, reinterpretate con un tocco moderno. Prediligo l'uso di prodotti locali, i cosiddetti "chilometro zero", per creare un'armonia inimitabile che esalta i colori, i profumi e i sapori autentici del nostro territorio. Vi invito a provare un primo piatto condito con il mio pesto di mandorle e basilico, o un intrigante pesto di pistacchio e pomodorini secchi. Offro anche deliziose proposte a base di tonno rosso e menta; filetto di maiale o manzo arricchiti da stravecchio e crema di cipolle bianche; polpettone di patate impreziosito da tonno rosso e capperi. E per finire in dolcezza, vi propongo dolci tradizionali realizzati con ricotta o crema di pistacchio, tra molte altre prelibatezze.
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