Arcore: Cooking classes

5 (100)
Cooking classes Como: Knead, roll out and bake your pizza
Cooking classes
Knead, roll out and bake your pizzaHosted by Damiano
€179 per guest
Shared Experience
5 (2)
Cooking classes Milan: Cooking class with Cesarina Nicoletta
Cooking classes
Cooking class with Cesarina NicolettaHosted by Nicoletta e Fabio
€129 per guest
Shared Experience
Top rated
5 (103)
Cooking classes Como: Cooking class: preparing fish from Lake Como
Cooking classes
Cooking class: preparing fish from Lake ComoHosted by Damiano
€135 per guest
Private Experience
4.8 (5)
Cooking classes Milan: Milanese culinary traditions with Anna Maria
Cooking classes
Milanese culinary traditions with Anna MariaHosted by Annamaria
€129 per guest
Private Experience
5 (16)
Cooking classes Como: Cooking class: two fresh pastries and tiramisu
Cooking classes
Cooking class: two fresh pastries and tiramisuHosted by Monica
€149 per guest
Shared Experience
5 (14)
Cooking classes Milan: The taste of the mountain in Milan
Cooking classes
The taste of the mountain in MilanHosted by Sissi
€129 per guest
Private Experience
5 (101)
Cooking classes Lomazzo: Cooking class with three Como recipes
Cooking classes
Cooking class with three Como recipesHosted by Damiano
€129 per guest
Private Experience
5 (10)
Cooking classes Milan: Everyone at the table: enjoy homemade desserts
Cooking classes
Everyone at the table: enjoy homemade dessertsHosted by Marina
€102 per guest
Shared Experience
5 (3)
Cooking classes Cologno al Serio: Cooking class of 3 recipes, appetizer, main course, dessert.
Cooking classes
Cooking class of 3 recipes, appetizer, main course, dessert.Hosted by Luisa
Cologno al Serio
€113 per guest
Shared Experience
Cooking classes Bareggio: Cooking class with 3 traditional recipes
Cooking classes
Cooking class with 3 traditional recipesHosted by Lydia
€129 per guest
Private Experience
5 (16)
Cooking classes Como: Cooking class: 3 recipes, bruschetta and appetizer
Cooking classes
Cooking class: 3 recipes, bruschetta and appetizerHosted by Monica
€179 per guest
Private Experience
5 (100)
Cooking classes Como: Como's traditional recipes
Cooking classes
Como's traditional recipesHosted by Damiano
€129 per guest
Private Experience
5.0 (121)
Cooking classes Milan: Cooking class on noodles and tiramisu
Cooking classes
Cooking class on noodles and tiramisuHosted by Sandra
€129 per guest
Shared Experience
4.9 (8)
Cooking classes Bergamo: The typical ravioli of Bergamo: casoncelli and scarpinocc
Cooking classes
The typical ravioli of Bergamo: casoncelli and scarpinoccHosted by Laura
€129 per guest
Private Experience
Cooking classes San Donato Milanese: Learn how to cook the orange cake with emulsion method
Cooking classes
Learn how to cook the orange cake with emulsion methodHosted by Rosanna
San Donato Milanese
€135 per guest
Private Experience
5 (1)
Cooking classes Carate Brianza: Cooking class for hand made pasta lovers
Cooking classes
Cooking class for hand made pasta loversHosted by Chiara
Carate Brianza
€129 per guest
Shared Experience
5 (15)
Cooking classes Milan: My family recipes: Mondeghili, rice al salto and dessert
Cooking classes
My family recipes: Mondeghili, rice al salto and dessertHosted by Sissi
€129 per guest
Private Experience
4.9 (8)
Cooking classes Bergamo: Cooking class in Bergamo: two fresh pastries and tiramisu
Cooking classes
Cooking class in Bergamo: two fresh pastries and tiramisuHosted by Laura
€129 per guest
Shared Experience
5 (15)
Cooking classes Milan: All-veggies menu in Milan
Cooking classes
All-veggies menu in MilanHosted by Beatrice
€129 per guest
Private Experience
Cooking classes Milan: Become a chef! Make Pasta, Ravioli and Tiramisu
Cooking classes
Become a chef! Make Pasta, Ravioli and TiramisuHosted by Francesca Cristiana
€129 per guest
Shared Experience

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