Corsi di cucina

Corso di cucina toscana in una location esclusiva

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Durata 3h

Max 6 ospiti

Lingue parlate: Italiano e Inglese

Corso di cucina con 3 ricette (antipasto, primo piatto di pasta fresca e dessert), bruschetta, aperitivo e a seguire menù a 3 portate con i piatti preparati durante il corso

Esperienza privata
La tua esperienza
  • Crostone con cavolo nero e olio nuovo
  • Tagliatelle con salsa di pomodoro alle erbe aromatiche
  • Tiramisù

Tra le colline toscane, a pochi chilometri dal centro di Firenze, in un monastero antico avrete il piacere d'immergerti nella natura e preparare un menù tipico tradizionale fiorentino.

Vi proporrò, durante quest'esperienza, un antipasto toscano composto da crostini, a seguire come primo piatto le tagliatelle con salsa di pomodoro ed erbe selvatiche, per finire in dolcezza il tiramisù con il mascarpone. Il tutto sarà assaggiato in compagnia e sorseggiando dell'ottimo vino locale. Dopo la lezione, avremo il piacere di degustare insieme le prelibatezze cucinate, sotto una pergola di uva. Sono pronta ad accogliervi per un'esperienza unica, fatta di tradizione culinaria, storia e connessione con la natura.

11 recensioni
My fiancee and I had an amazing time learning to cook yummy Italian dishes with Antonella in her lovely home! She guided us through each step to make pasta with white meat sauce, bruschetta, and tiramisu – all using fresh ingredients. After cooking we enjoyed the meal outside with some wine and gorgeous views! Antonella is an amazing teacher and we had a great time talking with her. She made us feel right at home, and we'll miss her! This experience was a highlight of our trip and we'd definitely do it again.

Micah & Neha - giugno 2024

Incredible, to say the very least my friends. Antonella led us on a magical tour of making our own homemade pasta (2 types) and marvelous Tiramiso. In a beautiful country kitchen she gently instructed us as we made the dough and prepared the desert filling. It was all hands on for Connie and I. Don't fret, she is so kind and generous. There are no mistakes in her kitchen it's all in fun and feast. She also made bruschetta and focaccia all with fresh ingredients many pulled directly from her garden, 'a la fois'. As all the ingredients began to emerge together we moved to a charming outside table covered with views of the raw country side. Some wine and we began our gourmet feast. We were very fortunate to enjoy the meal with both Antonella and her husband both wonderful hosts. We shared stories and laughed heartly. But in the end we teared up as we didn't want the evening to end. Remarkable, a must do experience. Many thanks Chef Antonella!

Michael and Connie Tiburzi 'Brigantes' - giugno 2024

Move over Uffizi, Florence has a new top attraction, and her name is Antonella! My 2 children, my wife and I travelled to Florence to visit our daughter who was studying abroad there for the semester. After a week of touring and sightseeing, we did a private cooking class with Antonella. Her hospitality, professionalism, kindness and skill set were beyond expectation! We made a 4 course meal, and all participated fully in the prep. The menu was basic-focaccia and bruschetta, home made pasta (we each made a batch from scratch) with a white meat ragu, and tiramisu. Most ingredients came from her garden. Everything was fresh and DELICIOUS. Antonella served a complimentary wine with each course. All 5 of us decided that our time with Antonella was a highlight of the trip. We would all do this again in a heartbeat! This class would be suitable for younger kids as well.

Antonella - maggio 2024

We had the most amazing experience with Antonella today. It was such a lovely combination of beautiful setting, delicious food, a gracious host, her charming husband, amazing art, beautiful and fresh ingredients, and lively conversation. We highly recommend this class.

Terri & Friends - febbraio 2024

When planning our trip, we told the travel agent we wanted the essence of Italy. Antonella gave us that with her wonderful cooking class. She welcomed us into her home and taught us how to make a beautiful meal. we visited, we laughed, we ate. It was the best experience of all during our trip. Thank you Antonella you are truly a gift.

Jim and Terrie Stockton - dicembre 2023

179,00 € per ospite

90,00 € per bambino

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Cesarina dal 2018Città: Firenze    Lingue: Italiano e Inglese
Antonella è una fiorentina doc che, per professione e diletto, ama cucinare utilizzando solo ingredienti stagionali e possibilmente acquistati dai contadini. Ama la cucina tradizionale, quella etnica e fusion; le piace condividere esperienze e conoscere nuove persone che ospita in una splendida location sulle colline di Firenze.  Qui, a pochi chilometri dal centro storico, nella tranquillità dei colli fiorentini, ci accoglie la nostra Cesarina. La sua casa è un ex monastero del 1200 che, nel corso degli anni, è stato un antico fienile, poi l'atelier di un pittore e oggi è una residenza d'artista, dove possiamo assaporare i gusti della cucina toscana.               
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