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Cesarina dal 2018

Piatto forte: Brasato di manzo con polenta

Lingue parlate: Inglese e Italiano

Buono a sapersi

Offro alternative vegetariane

Ciao da Laura!

La nostra Cesarina è milanese d’adozione e veneziana di nascita, le piace recuperare le antiche ricette della sua terra di origine e riproporle ai suoi commensali con un pizzico di innovazione. Alla sua tavola eccellenze meneghine con alcuni inediti accostamenti veneziani: una liaison vincente!

First Mosaic image
Second Mosaic imageThird Mosaic image
Le mie specialità
  •  Risotto di zucca con polvere di amaretti
  •  Brasato di manzo con polenta
  •  Involtini di bresaola con caprino lombardo
6 recensioni
We had a lovely dinner with Laura at her home, and learned how to appreciate more risotto from now on for sure. We had the best tiramisu ever which Laura made herself 😋

Francis Rodriguez  - settembre 2023

Laura is fun and kind and we had a great time making pasta and tiramisu with her. She explained regional differences in Italian pasta and cuisine. I would highly recommend the Cesarine experience and also Laura!

Michele Arceneaux - luglio 2023

We loved the experience with our host, Laura and her boyfriend. She welcomed us at her beautiful vintage home and cooked autentic Italian dinner. We heard stories about the food and learned lot about the culture.

Mate & Zsuzsa - gennaio 2020

Delicious home-cooked food, excellent conversation about food, politics, history and Italy in general. I felt extremely welcome and had a great time. Definitely recommend.

Cormac - dicembre 2019

My 20 year old daughter and I booked this class while in Milan. It was an amazing experience. Laura was so nice to share her home and secret recipes. She was very patient, explained everything and took time to answer any questions or give tips to get perfect pasta and tiramisu. The dinner (and wine) were absolutely delicious and we really enjoyed her time and company (and her husband's). We will definitively recommend and do this class again if we have the opportunity.

anneusa - ottobre 2019

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