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Cesarina dal 2023

Piatto forte: Pizzoccheri della Valtellina

Vivo a: Milano

Lingue parlate: Italiano, Inglese, Francese

Buono a sapersi

Offro alternative vegetariane

Ciao da Andrea!

Ricordi, sapori e tradizioni di famiglia dal fascino autentico. La mia cucina è semplice e ricca di gusto, animata dalla gioia della condivisione. Amo scoprire nuove cose e incontrare nuove persone e credo che conoscersi condividendo un’esperienza in cucina renda il momento ancora più intenso. Nei miei piatti rivedo i sorrisi delle mie nonne e della mia mamma, quando da bambino osservavo la sapienza delle loro mani che impastavano. Le mie ricette sono genuine e uniscono la tradizione alla mia curiosità per gusti e abbinamenti da sperimentare, con un legame particolarmente intenso con il luogo dove sono nato e cresciuto: la Valtellina. Vi aspetto!

First Mosaic image
Second Mosaic imageThird Mosaic image
Le mie specialità
  •  Sciatt con cicorino e Taroz della Valtellina
  •  Pizzoccheri della Valtellina
  •  Tortellini di verza a patate al burro montato
13 recensioni
The evening was filled with cooking, sharing stories, and enjoying the opportunity to learn Italian recipes from Andrea in his home with the use of the most fresh ingredients from local markets and his potted herb garden. A delightful evening we will relive through the amazing recipes.

Rocky and Diane  - luglio 2024

A try highlight of our tome in Milan. Very special time, delicious food, fun to learn the secrets an ease of homemade pasta. Andrea made it comfortable, personable, and so much fun. He opened his home, kitchen, traditions - and heart! Thank you! Highly recommend ❤️

Shelly - luglio 2024

This wonderful cooking class with Andrea was the most memorable experience on our vacation. Andrea opened his beautiful home, limits to 4 guests total for an intimate evening of laughter, fun, cooking and dining. Food was delicious, enjoyed with Prosecco and Lemonchello homemade from his mother (thanks Mom!!). Memories forever…..

Andrew W - maggio 2024

My husband and I had a fantastic time learning how to make pasta and tiramisu with Andrea! He was an excellent teacher and made the class really fun and easy to understand despite us having no prior experience. He prepared and served us delicious bread and Prosecco during food prep. We don’t know how the 3 hours flew by so fast! Highly recommend booking this experience with him!

Raveena Godbole - marzo 2024

We did our cooking experience with the lovely Andrea yesterday. It was a wonderful experience from start to end, the hospitality we were given right from the start was amazing. His expertise and passion on food was such a joy to hear. We did the classic version of tiramisu, and he also did a quick alternative for me (as I don’t like coffee) but he insisted I should try it differently. I appreciated it and was not expecting it as I went there to learn the correct way. :) then we did the pasta recipes and although they looked very simple the taste were exquisite! Will definitely try all recipes back home. We entered as strangers but left there as friends! Totally recommend Andrea and it’s a must if you are looking for genuine and a memorable experience! *****

Steph & Massimo - marzo 2024

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