Cooking classes

Artisanal cuisine: pizza, focaccia and bread

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Duration 3h

Max 2 guests

Spoken languages:  Italian and English

Cooking class: learn how to cook traditional & innovative Italian recipes from a local Cesarina

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    In this cooking class I will reveal the secret to making perfect pizza, focaccia and bread. We will learn together how to make high-hydration doughs that will be incredibly crisp and crunchy after baking. In the case of bread, I will guarantee that they will remain soft and tasty for several days. You will be able to easily replicate them at home without the need for special equipment, thanks to simple tricks that are within everyone's reach!



    Total: €113.00

    per guest

    €57.00 per child


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    Image Profile
    Cesarina from 2024Location: Pisa    Languages: Italian and English
    Ciao! mi chiamo Valeria e sin da bambina ho avuto le mani in pasta. Mia nonna mi ha tramandato la passione per la pasta fresca e mia mamma quello per il pane e i dolci. Adesso la cucina è il mio modo di prendermi cura della mia famiglia ed è la fusione tra le mie tradizioni e tecniche più moderne. Insieme potremo preparare piatti della cucina italiana come ragù, lasagne, gnocchi, pasta fresca, focaccia, pizza, pane, biscotti, tiramisù, crostate. Vi aspetto!
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