Cooking classes

Cooking class: let's discover three Tuscan recipes

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Gambassi Terme

Duration 3h

Max 3 guests

Spoken languages:  Italian and English

Hands-on cooking class with starter, pasta and dessert followed by a tasting of the recipes prepared during the lesson

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  • Tuscan focaccia and ficattole (sweet or savory fried pasta)
  • Tagliatelle with white ragù and pecorino cream
  • Tiramisù with coffee

I look forward to a sunset aperitif. A glass of prosecco, the setting of the sun and the view of a picturesque Romanesque parish church are the perfect combination to recharge your energy. After a short walk among the olive trees, we will head to my home, where we will begin the baking class to create our finger foods. We will prepare dough for Tuscan ficattole, a delicious specialty fried in oil, to be enjoyed with a selection of Tuscan cured meats and cheeses. There will be no shortage of seasoned focaccia. Next, we will dive into a cooking class dedicated to tagliatelle and tiramisu. By the way, make sure your voice is in good shape, because in addition to cooking, I also love ... singing!

14 reviews
I'm sure there are a lot of cooking classes you could take in Italy, but as far as personality, joy, and getting to know a sweet Italian couple -- look no further than Bina + Massimo. These two are an absolute joy to hang out with and we had a blast dancing around, making pasta, and eating so much insanely delicious food. They know how to have a GOOD TIME and boy did we ever. Also I'm not sure there's a better view in Tuscany than from the backyard. Thank you both for a beautiful day at your home! We miss you already!

Brittany R - June 2024

Que inolvidable experiencia! Fantástico!. Conducimos 1 hora entre montañas hasta que llegamos a una pequeña casa muy acogedora en lo que parecía la cima de la montaña. Allí nos esperaban Bina y su esposo Massimo. Ellos hablando un poco inglés y nosotros un poco de italiano. pero así nos comunicamos durante 4 horas como si nos conociéramos de toda la vida. Bailamos, cantamos y por supuesto preparamos pasta. Nos ensañaron a hacer varios tipos de pasta: focaccia, tagliatele, spaghetti guitarra, raviolo (sombrero de cura), gnocchi y tiramisu. Todo absolutamente delicioso. Probamos la salsa picante de Bina y su limonchelo. Simplemente inolvidable. Cuando regresamos a Toscana iremos a visitar a nuestros nuevos amigos. Che esperienza indimenticabile! Fantastico!. Abbiamo guidato per 1 ora attraverso le montagne finché non siamo arrivati ​​a una casetta molto accogliente su quella che sembrava la cima della montagna. Lì ci aspettavano Bina e suo marito Massimo. Loro parlano un po' di inglese e noi parliamo un po' di italiano. ma è così che abbiamo comunicato per 4 ore come se ci conoscessimo da tutta la vita. Balliamo, cantiamo e ovviamente prepariamo la pasta. Ci hanno insegnato a fare diversi tipi di pasta: focaccia, tagliatele, spaghetti alla chitarra, raviolo (cappello da prete), gnocchi e tiramisù. Tutto assolutamente delizioso. Abbiamo provato la salsa piccante di Bina e il suo limoncello. Semplicemente indimenticabile. Quando torneremo in Toscana andremo a trovare i nostri nuovi amici.

Nancy y Jorge - June 2024

One of the best experiences in my month loan Italy tour! I had so much fun that day and I way too much good food! They and her husband were wonderful hosts and made the experience, both fun and educational. There was no way I could eat all that good food, but I tried! Highly recommend this cooking class!

Not sure  - May 2024

What a fun evening this was. After the main course, we took a walk through the olive orchards with Glesch (?) the dog In tow. Then we came back for dessert. Google Translate saved the day. Much good food, laughter and dancing was involved. Bina and her husband could not have been more gracious and welcoming. It was so much fun, not only to eat such scrumptious food, but also to watch them prepare it. We would not hesitate for a moment to do this again. Our unique experience was one of the highlights of our amazing trip this year. One of us is vegetarian, and Bina made sure to create delicious veggie options. Gracie mielle!!!

Karen and Warren Harris - May 2024

Our evening with Bina and her husband Massimo was nothing short of amazing. We had a truly authentic Italian experience full of fun, laughter, music, singing and of course fabulous food. We got to participate in the making of every part of the meal from scratch - from the pizzas to the pasta to the tiramisu! We were a family of five and everyone loved the experience! Cooking with Bina is a must. Word of advice - bring your appetite! ;)

Blythe E - May 2024

€179.00 per guest

€89.00 per child

You’ll receive the exact address after the booking
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Cesarina from 2022Location: Gambassi Terme    Languages: Italian and English
"I am a Calabrese living in Tuscany who has always been passionate about cooking. I love to cook everything, I really like to give a touch of creativity to dishes and despite cooking Tuscan dishes I always put an imprint of my Calabresita '."
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