Alfredo e Tamara
Spoken languages: Italian, English, German, French, Russian
Small group hands-on cooking class with pizza and tiramisu, followed by a tasting of the recipes prepared during the lesson
- Fried pizza, sauce tomato, mozzarella, and parmesan and basil
- Pizza seasoned with seasonal ingredients
- Classic tiramisu, coffee and cocoa
Pizza, what a passion! Fatal meeting.
Each guest will have their own station, we will make dough together to show you the technique and learn some basic procedures. We will provide you with simple technical notions for perfect doughs. We will work through all the steps together, bake a pizza in the home oven and fry another on the stove, then taste them. To finish, classic tiramisu with coffee and cocoa. It will be an unforgettable experience! At the end of the evening, you will receive recipes and secrets for making pizza and tiramisu.
€179.00 per guest
(€89.50 per child)
€89.50 per child
- Christmas with you and Alfredo was one of the best! I want to thank you for a very wonderful evening and holiday. I apprecate you welcoming us in to your home and treating us like family. You end Alfredo are wonderful people. I will never forget our Christmas dinner and I promise that if I ever come back to town, I will reach out to you for another amazing dinner
- É stata una tale gioia di incontrare Tamara e Alfredo.Non avrei potuto immaginare una cena più deliziosa e una copia così gentile.Io e mia madre conserveremo questo ricordo per sempre.Grazie
- Volevamo ringraziarvi per la meravigliosa cooking class che abbiamo fatto con voi.Ci è piaciuto tutto tantissimo - ė stata un’esperienza fantastica e abbiamo imparato moltissimo! Inoltre , abbiamo già iniziato a mettere in pratica ciò che abbiamo imparato: abbiamo fatto i ravioli con la ricetta della pasta che ci avete dato , ed erano buonissimi!Grazie di cuore per averci regalato un’ esperienza cosi speciale.
- Thank you very much for the wonderful experience of cooking at your wonderful home. We will share this with our friends at home.
- We had a wonderful and fun evening with Tamara and Alfredo. Meeting this coupl - Alfredo - teacher and and cook and Tamara - fantastic host- was definitely a highlite of our vacation
Chris - January 2025
Paige - January 2025
Guilherme e Alfonso - December 2024
Richard e Viviana - December 2024
Fam. Kurnik - December 2024
€179.00 per guest
(€89.50 per child)
€179.00 per guest