Food experiences

Choose your menu directly from my garden

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Duration 2h 30m

Max 8 guests

Spoken languages:  Italian, English, Spanish

Dining experience: take a seat and enjoy an authentic Italian meal with a local Cesarina

Private Experience
Your experience

    I will prepare the requested menu at home and bring it upon request. The menu will be prepared according to seasonality because the vegetables will be harvested directly from my garden. I will give you a number of options and the final menu will be chosen together. The dishes will range from Neapolitan lasagna to a rice sartù, to an eggplant or zucchini parmigiana, to Cilento-style eggplant or tuna meatloaf or cod soup etc.


    3 reviews
    We had an amazing experience. Antonia was a joy full of information about cooking and Italy. We would love to see her again

    Dana Vitale - September 2023

    Our host was such a lovely, genuine person and we had a great experience. I would say it is quite expensive for the experience but we had a lovely time regardless.

    Amy Kirk - July 2023

    This was my absolute favorite experience in Salerno!! Antonia and her husband were such gracious hosts, they immediately made me feel right at home in their beautiful place! And the meal was just incredible, more than the 4 courses promised, everything delicious! And topped off at the end with home made sorbet and liqueurs. They also gave me suggestions on a couple of places not to miss and looked up and wrote down the train schedule for me. Truly wonderful hosts, I couldn't have imagined a better experience. Cosi grato!!!

    Donna Vaillancourt - June 2023

    €95.00 per guest

    €47.50 per child

    You’ll receive the exact address after the booking
    Image Profile
    Cesarina from 2019Location: Salerno    Languages: Italian, English, Spanish
    Maria Antonietta lives in Salerno, a seaside city, where in summer you can reach the beach, or visit the surroundings, and in winter with your nose up to admire the lights, among the most beautiful in Italy. "My cuisine is traditional, with attention to the choice of natural products, which come from my garden. The use of typical and seasonal products distinguishes the choice of menus, a cuisine possibly at km 0."
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