Corsi di cucina

Corso sulla vera Lasagna alla Bolognese e sul Tiramisù

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Andrea e Marta


Durata 3h

Max 6 ospiti

Lingue parlate: Italiano e Inglese

Corso di cucina: impara a cucinare le ricette della tradizione italiana con una Cesarina locale

Esperienza condivisa
La tua esperienza

    L’esperienza inizia con un caloroso brindisi di benvenuto, accompagnato da sfiziosi antipasti preparati da me, ideali per rompere il ghiaccio e creare un’atmosfera conviviale. Dopo esserci rilassati, entreremo nel vivo della lezione di cucina. Prepariamo insieme gli ingredienti e comporremo una lasagna perfetta, seguendo ogni passaggio per garantire un risultato autentico e ricco di sapore.

    Mentre la lasagna cuoce, ci dedicheremo al dessert: il tiramisù, un classico intramontabile. Ogni ospite sarà guidato nella preparazione, passo dopo passo, per creare un dolce irresistibile.
    Infine, ci siederemo tutti insieme per gustare i piatti preparati con le nostre mani, celebrando i sapori genuini e il piacere di condividere il cibo in un’atmosfera familiare e accogliente.



    Totale: 102,00 €

    102,00 € 
    per ospite

    51,00 € per bambino

    8 recensioni
    It was really nice and Marta was sweet and kind person!

    Leonie - marzo 2025

    This was one of the best experiences for our family in Bologna. We not just learned how to make the best tagliatelle and tiramisu, but we learn a lot about the Italian culture, got recommendations for restaurants, and tips to travel in Italy. I really liked this class better than others we have taken with bigger groups because Martha and Andrea dedicated so much time to us, making sure we learned and enjoy the time with them. I would repeat this experience many times, and I will prepare at home everything that we learned. Thanks for being such a great hosts!

    Pilar - marzo 2025

    We had a wonderful cooking class with Andrea and Marta. They are such a lovely Italian couple who were very generous sharing their knowledge and love for Italian food and culture. The pasta and tiramisu we made was delicious. Andrea was very patient teaching us the correct technique rolling the pasta dough. Truly a very special evening- highly recommend!

    Zoe - marzo 2025

    It was an amazing experience and we really enjoyed it! Andrea and Martha were absolute stars, very friendly and accommodating, would definitely recommend this to anyone visiting bologna! They also took many great photos for us :)!

    Andrea and Martha - febbraio 2025

    I had an absolutely wonderful time with Andrea and Marta at their beautiful home. They were so warm and welcoming, it felt like we were already friends. The food already prepared for when I arrived was amazing, Marta is a brilliant bread-maker! They had both put in a huge amount of preparation work in advance and I was really grateful of this, it made the evening flow so well. The instruction from Andrea was very clear and all of the dishes I was shown how to prepare turned out perfectly. Egg fondant ravioli was my favourite - seeing the vibrant yolk flowing out was a great sight! I have already made fresh pasta on my return home and it is both very easy to to and SO much better than shop-bought. This experience genuinely changed my life for the better, I can't recommend it enough. Grazie mille 🙏

    Adam - dicembre 2024

    Riceverai l'indirizzo esatto dopo aver prenotato.
    Image Profile
    Andrea e Marta
    Cesarina dal 2024Città: Bologna    Lingue: Italiano e Inglese
    La mia cucina è un'espressione di passione e studio, arricchita da un tocco di accento emiliano. Adoro lavorare con i lievitati, creare pasta fresca e valorizzare le verdure. Inoltre, ho una grande passione per i dolci in tutte le loro forme, trasformando ogni dessert in un'esperienza unica e deliziosa. 
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