Corsi di cucina

Emilia Romagna: la regina della buona tavola

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Durata 3h

Max 6 ospiti

Lingue parlate: Italiano e Inglese

Corso di cucina: impara a cucinare le ricette della tradizione e degusta i piatti preparati durante il corso

Esperienza privata

Un’esperienza privata è riservata a te e agli eventuali ospiti per cui hai prenotato: non si aggiungeranno altre persone e potrete così godere della massima privacy.

La tua esperienza
  • Piadina con affettati misti
  • Tortelloni con sugo di pomodoro
  • Torta Tenerina

Una buona accoglienza non può prescindere da una bottiglia di vino fresco, con piadine calde e mortadella profumata.

Quindi da un buon primo piatto: tortelloni, tagliatelle, lasagne, tortellini..

E per finire da una fetta di tenerina (torta al cioccolato), o da una coppa al mascarpone con scaglie di cioccolato, oppure da un gelato di crema....

Rigorosamente: fatti in casa!

Il tutto accompagnato da chiacchiere e risate.

Vi aspetto!

23 recensioni
Rosa L. welcomed me into her home with much gratitude, professionalism, and patience. She explained in detail how the evening would go working in her kitchen. She did an amazing job at explaining the steps and in providing constructive feedback as the cooking began. I learned quite a lot especially as we were able to engage in conversation along the way. Rosa shares how to take a complex dish and make it easy. I particularly liked how she was able to gage how experienced one was in the kitchen. Rosa has a talent in being able to assess where one's cooking skills are and in assessing how to increase one's confidence and technical abilities. Cooking in a local resident's kitchen is certainly a way to quickly learn and understand about an unfamiliar place. Strongly recommend!

RPG - aprile 2024

Rosa L. welcomed me in to her cooking space with much gratitude, professionalism, and patience. She explained in details how the evening would go working in her kitchen. She did an amazing job at explaining the steps and of providing further advice/support as the cooking began. I learned quite a lot especially as were able to engage in conversation and create such flavorful fresh dishes. I particularly liked how she was able to gage how experienced one as in the kitchen and how to meet you where you are at.

RPG - aprile 2024

We had such a wonderful evening with Rosa! My husband and I booked our experience on our last night in Bologna, and it was such a great way to end that portion of our honeymoon. She was so welcoming and an amazing teacher -- I went into the experience with a good amount of experience making fresh pasta, and I left SO much more confident! Our meal was delicious, the wine was flowing, and Rosa even ran out to grab my favorite Emilian cheese when I mentioned that I loved it. Would highly recommend this experience! We had so much fun!

Margot - dicembre 2023

Was für ein wundervoller Abend! Ich bin alleine nach Bologna gereist und habe für meinen Geburtstag einen Kochkurs bei Rosa gebucht. Es war fantastisch! Rosa ist eine wunderbare Gastgeberin, ich habe mich sofort wohlgefühlt und sie ins Herz geschlossen, ebenso ihren lieben Kater. Rosa ist aufgeschlossen, lustig und wir hatten beim Zubereiten der Gerichte eine Menge Spaß und gute Gespräche. Es war ein wundervoller Abend, ich kann es nur empfehlen und komme gerne wieder! Grazie di cuore!

Nina - novembre 2023

We spent the evening with Rosa from Bologna and we would like to congratulate her for her amazing welcome, cooking class but also cooking skills! It was absolutely amazing and a pleasure to spend some time with Rosa! We will re-do it!

Florentine Fontaine - ottobre 2023

145,00 € per ospite

72,50 € per bambino

Riceverai l'indirizzo esatto dopo aver prenotato.
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Cesarina dal 2018Città: Bologna    Lingue: Italiano e Inglese
Rosa ci accoglie nel bel mezzo del centro storico bolognese: un dedalo di viuzze dai colori sgargianti, impreziosite dai palazzi medievali e dai tipici porticati del capoluogo emiliana. La casa della nostra Cesarine si trova in una laterale di via Indipendenza, una delle strade più importanti della città, a poca distanza da piazza Maggiore e dalle Due Torri.  Avvocato di professione e appassionata sportiva, Rosa vive a Bologna da oltre 45 anni, tanto da aver ormai assimilato perfettamente le tradizioni della città. «Ho anche fatto un corso per imparare l’arte della sfoglia, e nel tempo libero adoro preparare i grandi classici della cucina locale».
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