Corsi di cucina

Il ragù della tradizione a casa mia

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Durata 3h

Max 8 ospiti

Lingue parlate: Italiano, Inglese, Francese

Corso di cucina per Pasta Lovers e a seguire un menu con i piatti preparati durante la lezione.

Esperienza condivisa
La tua esperienza
  • Tagliatelle al ragù di carne
  • Garganelli
  • Strichetti

Il ragù è uno di quei deliziosi piatti della tradizione che trasformano una giornata qualunque in un momento di festa! Nella mia cucina, tra chiacchiere e risate, andremo a realizzare tre tipi didi pasta fresca e il ragù, il condimento ricco e gustoso come le preparava mia nonna.

Pronti con il mattarello? Vi insegnerò tutti i segreti... Per finire ci siederemo a tavola e gusteremo i piatti preparati insieme con un buon vino.

60 recensioni
Highly recommend, couldn’t ask for a better host to teach us traditional pasta making. Paola is amazing. The result of our pasta and tiramisu was delicious. It was our first time ever doing something like this and the outcome surprised us.

Nikita - luglio 2024

My husband and I went to get pasta making class….. Paola was incredible! Her house and kitchen were very clean and beautifully decorated. As a host, Paola was classy, welcoming and treated us like royalty. She was a kind, patient and funny instructor. The food was absolutely delicious. We had a blast and if we could, we would give her 20+ stars. I wish I can take her home (USA) with me because she is fun and her food is marvelous.

Beyond Fantastic  - luglio 2024

My family and I had a wonderful experience with Paola during our cooking class. She made us very welcome, explained very well about the cuisine of Bologna and what we were about to make. Not only that, she was amusing and interesting and made everyone laugh and be involved.Paola’s house was also very much of an Emilia Romagna’s style and we loved looking at her kitchen, dining room and garden outside. She made us feel like we were old friends of hers. Memorable experience

Nozomi - luglio 2024

What a fabulous morning spent with Paola, learning how to make tortelloni, tagliatelle and tiramisu. Paola is a wonderful teacher and very warm and welcoming. It was a fantastic hands on experience to learn how to make these dishes, and to then to sit down and enjoy them with Paola's warm hospitality, and good company from the other participants. A highlight from our visit to Bologna!

Angela & Zoe - luglio 2024

Paola was completely delightful, our experience was wonderful and the food was delicious! We can't recommend more and look forward to our next time!

Tim & Dawn Moe - giugno 2024

129,00 € per ospite

64,50 € per bambino

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Cesarina dal 2018Città: Bologna    Lingue: Italiano, Inglese, Francese
Gustare i classici di una delle cucine più rinomate al mondo proprio alle porte del centro storico di Bologna?  Si può fare: basta andare a casa di Paola, che si trova nei pressi di porta San Felice, a poca distanza da quella che fino a qualche decennio fa era la cinta muraria di Bologna.
 In questa splendida e tranquilla location, impreziosita anche da un magnifico giardino con dehor che la nostra Cesarina apparecchia per i mesi più caldi, Paola ci guida alla scoperta dei sapori della tradizione locale, dalla mortadella al ragù alla bolognese.  «Adoro cucinare, anche perché è una tradizione di famiglia, e amo condividere il cibo con altre persone»
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