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Cesarina dal 2018

Piatto forte: Tagliatelle al ragù

Vivo a: Bologna

Lingue parlate: Italiano, Inglese, Francese

Buono a sapersi

Offro alternative vegetariane

Ciao da Paola!

Gustare i classici di una delle cucine più rinomate al mondo proprio alle porte del centro storico di Bologna? Si può fare: basta andare a casa di Paola, che si trova nei pressi di porta San Felice, a poca distanza da quella che fino a qualche decennio fa era la cinta muraria di Bologna. In questa splendida e tranquilla location, impreziosita anche da un«Adoro cucinare, anche perché è una tradizione di famiglia, e amo condividere il cibo con altre persone»

First Mosaic image
Second Mosaic imageThird Mosaic image
Le mie specialità
  •  Mousse di mortadella con crescente
  •  Tagliatelle al ragù
  •  Scaloppine al limone

  Corsi di cucina (14)

148 recensioni
Paola was wonderful. I would highly recommend booking time to learn her recipes for lasagna.

Don - giugno 2024

Paola was warm and welcoming to us, and explained how authentic Italian pasta and dessert is made. We had great hands-on experiences preparing great food. The created meal was delicious to enjoy. A Cesarine cooking class is highly recommended as part of an Italian holiday, thank you!

Geoff & Ali - giugno 2024

Paola is truly a wonderful teacher. The experience is full of practice, tips, history, conversation and an incredible meal! You leave there feeling like you can actually tackle handmade pasta and it is an added joy to get to know someone from Bologna. I must say the lasagna that Paola taught me to make was absolutely delicious and one of the best dishes I ate in my 2 week stay in Italy. I have recently purchased a mattarello and am now ready to roll! Thank you so very much again!

Kris - giugno 2024

Paola was completely delightful, our experience was wonderful and the food was delicious! We can't recommend more and look forward to our next time!

Tim & Dawn Moe - giugno 2024

My daughter and I attended a cooking class led by Paola. My daughter has some food allergies and Paola made all of the necessary adjustments to ensure we had a safe, enjoyable, and delightful experience. Our piadena, gnocchi, and peach tirsmasu was exquisite. We would highly recommend taking a cooking class with Paola in Bologna!

Cheryl - giugno 2024

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