Image Profile

Maria Sole e Rossella

Cesarina dal 2022

Piatto forte: Lasagne classiche

Vivo a: Bologna

Lingue parlate: Italiano e Inglese

Buono a sapersi

Offro alternative vegetariane

Ciao da Maria Sole e Rossella!

"Con una nonna bolognese ed una siciliana non potevo che appassionarmi alla buona cucina fin da bambina. Dopo diversi corsi ed un master enogastronomico presso la scuola del Gambero Rosso, ho viaggiato all’estero lavorando come cuoca in diversi ristoranti; rientrata a casa mi è rimasto il desiderio di far assaggiare la nostra cucina anche a chi non la conosce, spiegandone origini e lavorazioni. Io e mamma Rossella vi ospitiamo a casa dove insieme proviamo a trasmettere un po’ di quella passione e amore per la buona tavola anche ai nostri ospiti.  La nostra è una cucina sana, che punta sulla qualità delle materie prime, ma che non dimentica la tradizione. Oltre alle specialità tipiche bolognesi amiamo la cucina vegetale e la pasticceria. Il nostro punto forza è la sinergia: la mamma, ottima padrona di casa e conoscitrice di vini, sa accogliere gli ospiti e coccolarli mentre io mi occupo della cucina e spiego le preparazioni sia in inglese che in italiano".

First Mosaic image
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Le mie specialità
  •  Tigelle e affettati
  •  Lasagne classiche
  •  Tiramisù
9 recensioni
Our meal with Sole, was amazing. She welcomed me and my father into her home like we were family. Her hospitality was only surpassed by her cooking. She delighted us with great conversation in both English and Italian. For those who do not speak Italian, her English was perfect. Prior to our arrival, she reached out to ensure she was able to accommodate any special needs or dietary restrictions. This is just one of the many ways you can tell she does this for her love of cooking and sharing the great culture of bolognese foods. This is not as job for her, it is a passion and you can taste that in her cooking. Our meal started off with great conversation and fantastic local wines as we tasted a variety of local appetizers. From there we she served two homemade courses of Tortellini and Tagliatelle al Ragu. This was best we had throughout our entire trip in Bologna. If the meal ended here, it would have made our trip to Bologna worth it, but we weren’t finished yet. Next she served us with her homemade meatball and sauce. With these meatballs she proved that cooking is an art and not a science. And what an artist she is. With each dish she explained not only the significance it has to Bologna, but also to her and her family. She could tell at this point our stomachs were about to pop, and allowed us to choose between two different positions sizes for dessert. We gladly excepted the smaller size, as we might not have not been able to walk out if we ate anymore. Her Tiramisu was like an exclamation point on the meal. She was very generous and offered us any leftovers we would like to take home. We would taken her up on this offer if not for our morning plane flight. All the food was outstanding. The type you dream about for months later. Her home was beautiful and very clean. Throughout our meal Sole made sure we were comfortable and provided us with anything we needed. She even helped us call a taxi to get back to our hotel. Our experience could not have been better! I strongly recommend signing up any experience that she offers (cooking class, meal, etc). Remember to go hungry and plan to leave with no extra room in your stomach. It was such a pleasure to have her host us for a spectacular meal! Do not second guess, book with her now! We wish her all the best in her cooking, going forward.

Jim Z - agosto 2024

This was a great experience! Everything was well prepared with respect to our interests, she offered perfect recipes for us being vegetarians and shared a lot of additional special knowledge with us. We will for sure come again whenever in Bologna!

Wolfgang - agosto 2024

Io sono emiliana, fin da bambina ho visto e aiutato mia madre nella preparazione di tagliatelle, tortelloni e lasagne, tradizione che purtroppo non ho portato avanti. Questo corso con Maria Sole ha risvegliato in me la memoria di gesti antichi e la voglia di "sporcarmi" le mani di farina per far si che questa arte non si perda. La versione vegetariana che propone Maria Sole coglie perfettamente il mio sentire e coniuga la tradizione con l'evolversi del gusto moderno. Ospitalità impeccabile ! Maria Sole ha condiviso insegnamenti e "trucchetti" con piacevolezza e competenza. Consiglio vivamente a tutti il suo corso. E vi assicuro che anche chi la sfoglia la sa già fare ci troverà nuovi spunti e nuove idee.

Caterina - novembre 2023

Sole warmly welcomed us into her home and generously shared with us her vast knowledge of baking and extensive kitchen skills. My sister and I learned to make three typical Bolognese desserts. Sole gave us many helpful tips and the desserts were beautiful and delicious.

Carole Cooke - novembre 2023

Absolutely fantastic class with Sole. My son and I had a blast and I finally learned why my pasta dough always ends up too firm! Would absolutely recommend this to anyone wanting to learn some more plant-forward recipes .... they're delicious.

Justin - luglio 2023

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