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Cesarina dal 2022

Piatto forte: Tortellini

Vivo a: Bologna

Lingue parlate: Inglese, Italiano, Giapponese, Francese

Buono a sapersi

Offro alternative vegetariane

Ciao da Cristina!

"Sono nata e cresciuta in centro a Bologna. Le mie due nonne erano cuoche straordinarie ed io adoravo stare con loro e ammirarle mentre preparavano le loro specialità. Piano piano ho arricchito, per la mia grande passione, i miei menù diventando così il riferimento per la mia numerosa famiglia ad ogni cena delle grandi occasioni."

First Mosaic image
Second Mosaic imageThird Mosaic image
Le mie specialità
  •  Tigelle e crescentine
  •  Tortellini
  •  Balanzoni
36 recensioni
Cristina was great. She was full of information as we walked through city center and described each of the market venders we made purchases from. Cooking class was so much fun and the food was great. We had a wonderful day.

Robin Rosenthal - luglio 2024

authentic and genuine experience, full of conviviality and quality!

FrancescoB - luglio 2024

We took a cooking class with Cristina in Bologna and it was amazing! We made pasta from scratch, rolling it out with a mattarello, which is even trickier than it looks. We made tagliatelle, cappelletti filled with a cheese and parsley filling, and tortelloni with a pork, cheese, and spinach filling. She also treated us to some of her amazing ragu that she made the day before as well as chocolate salami - yum! She was very informative and fun to cook with. She also sent us the recipes and videos she made via WhatsApp after the class, which is super helpful. Best of all, though, was actually sitting down to enjoy our meal. We were joined by Eleonora, a local university student, who was lovely as well, and the conversation that the four of us had was like hanging out with old friends - so much fun! The class itself was incredibly valuable, but the whole experience is one of the most memorable we’ve had in many years of traveling. Thank you to Cristina and Eleonora for a wonderful time!

Jane - giugno 2024

Amazing experience learning to make traditional Bolognese dishes with Cristina and Federico, who welcomed us into their home, had excellent tips for cooking, and shared a lovely dinner together! Thanks

Lauren + Simone - maggio 2024

We had a lovely evening with Cristina and were super grateful for this amazing experience! We can highly recommend her as a host and loved that she shared all het recipes with us too!

Franziska Raaflaub - maggio 2024

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