Image Profile


Cesarina from 2018

My speciality: Fresh pasta rosettes with ham and cheese

I live in: Bologna

Spoken languages: Italian and English

Good to know

I offer vegetarian alternatives

Hi from Luisa!

Queen Margherita was the bride of King Umberto I who reigned from 1878 to 1900; the people of Bologna dedicated the most important park in the city to her, which is still known as the “Margherita gardens". On the eastern edge of the park is the house of Luisa who, together with her mother Maria Teresa, cultivates the typical flavors of the Italy of those days. Today, Luisa presents typical Bolognese dishes with the flavor of a voyage in the “nice times of the past”, when horses and carriages traveled through the Margherita gardens.

First Mosaic image
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My specialities
  •  Homemade focaccia
  •  Fresh pasta rosettes with ham and cheese
  •  Zucchini soufflé and stuffed cabbage leaf parcels
6 reviews
I was really worried after booking this that we would be let down and the night would not be as advertised. The worries were quickly dashed as soon as we arrived at Luisa’s apartment. Although she was limited in English, her niece was there to translate and they both could not have been lovelier. You really have the feeling of being invited over a friend’s home to help cook a meal. Luisa was the teacher and allowed us to make our own pasta and be a part of every step of the meal. We laughed a lot and had a ball! In the end, we sat with 3 generations of Luisa’s family and had a fabulous meal, that we made! There is nothing like spending time with a local family when you travel. I highly recommended this service!

ConciergeInNewYork - March 2019

You don’t have to be a cook to love this. I can’t make toast but my wife a great cook. We both loved this evening equally. Luisa and her family welcomed us into their beautiful home and we had a ball! We learned to make two types of pasta and a chocolate cake and then we sat with the family and enjoyed everything! Very sweet people and we learned a lot. I would do this again!!

ConciergeInNewYork - March 2019

Cooking class with Luisa in Bologna was a great experience. We learned a lot and we hope that we will make pasta, sugo, brodo just as Luisa tought us. Luisa was extremely helpful, answered every question and took a lot of time for us. Enjoying the pasta we made together with her and her mum was the most wonderful lunch.

Susanne Hecht - November 2017

La lezione di sfoglia con Luisa come Cesarina è stata meravigliosa. Non solo abbiamo impastato e tirato al mattarello la nostra prima sfoglia, ma sooprattutto abbiamo condiviso il nostro tempo, le nostre esperienze, la nostra vita. Noi siamo abituati a condividere, negli ultimi anni viaggiamo solo AirBnB, e ogni volta che entriamo in casa di altri c'è questo senso di imbarazzo perchè stai comunque "invadendo" lo spazio privato dell'altro. Beh questa sensazione con Luisa è durata il tempo di metterci il grembiule....poi sarà stato fare qualcosa insieme o il mangiare dopo intorno alla stessa tavole (Luisa fa un ragù alla bolognese da URLO) ma siamo andati via sapendo fare qualcosa in più e più ricchi. Non sappiamo quando ma per l'entusiasmo iscriveremo ad un'altra lezione.

Isabella Mignani - July 2017

We had an amazing experience learning to make pasta with Luisa. Our lesson covered making both egg-based dough and eggless dough, as well as producing several shapes including strichetti and tagliatelle. We do not speak Italian, but despite the language barrier, the lesson was highly informative. Luisa was extremely patient with us and did a fantastic job conveying the concepts of the lesson despite us having a limited shared vocabulary. And more than an educational experience, we had a fantastic time as well. Luisa prepared two incredible sauces to go along with the pasta we had made – this was hands down our best meal while we were in Bologna. It was a pleasure to eat what we had made with Luisa and her mother, conversing with Google translate on our phones. We would strongly recommend this experience to anyone considering a pasta making lesson in Bologna.

Alex Topacio - July 2017

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